sigma of ohio created a topic of Yatamomo

i was gonna drop this because it’s kinda weird -and all over the place at the beginning but the comments are making it seem good after all so imma continue

can someone pls explain the last few chapters to me? mainly about the mcs but also in general

sigma of ohio created a topic of Our Sunny Days

EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS SOOO GOOD likeee the baby is soo cute and included in the story so well and even helps the chemistry (which is insaneee) between the characters. the characters (act their age(mostly)) are mature and fun i just luvvv their dynamic!!
also their sex scenes aren’t all rough, dry and emotionless it’s all loving, silly and caring (HOW IT SHOULD BE BETWEEN A COUPLEEE)
and this isn’t everything i can think of… i don’t think i’ll find anything this good in a minute

sigma of ohio created a topic of Midnight Rain (CTK)

ethan is so fine likeee

sigma of ohio created a topic of Work Love Balance

idgaf about this backstory

it’s hot but like what is actually going on rn

sigma of ohio created a topic of Pearl Boy

i thought we were done why is this still ongoing? this isn’t a side story anymore it’s just a continuation of the main story cuz there is no reason for a side story to go on for this many chapters (wdym part 2 coming ???)

i saw someone ask where tomas at considering it’s the last episode like actually where he at

sigma of ohio created a topic of Blood Link

these 2 seasons are just basically two five star stories in one. everything just ate so badly and i love how bwat always make the story end happily (bittersweet at most but not like sad sad). also the babies just never end up looking the way i thought/wanted soooo cute tho


looking at the other stories by bwat this ain’t that good and maybe it’s a translation issue but like the whole “dad” thing.. until the end

i asked myself what is going on about five times during this entire chapter

sigma of ohio created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i literally love this so much and i just have to say it after every chapter because every single one is just too good.. wish there were new chapters every day

sigma of ohio created a topic of Semantic Error

an emotional rollercoaster to say the least
i don’t recall sangwoo being this frustrating in the og kdrama likeee i actually got so mad i started crashing out w tears in my eyes cuz what..? he did not apologise ONCEEE idk it all just pissed me off cuz like the whole stubbornness/emotionless whatever the fuck his character is supposed to be.. it gets to a point fr
still cute tho

sigma of ohio created a topic of Our Sunny Days


so is nobody else shocked that this is what they’re doing ? hes shaving him?? but it’s kinda hot ngl

sigma of ohio created a topic of By Chance? Huh!

it’s cute in a way but pretty boring honestly

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Surprised by the number of people following this I bet y’all are thirsty as fuck 

Anyway, enjoy this list! Comment down below if you liked it or helped you find anything you adored 

26 11,2024

the whole thing with that nagizuka guy was so weird in the end

this is really cute but i find their relationship in the first part way cuter than in the end somehow idk if anybody knows what i mean