omg i can not! its so hot to listen to the blcd and also makes all the cute parts cuter, just gives it so much more depth when u can hear the characters speak and all!

here: https://blcd.online/ ヾ(☆▽☆) enjoy

this is both sweet and heartbreaking!!! Felix the poor thing being put through hell, he never did anything wrong to have to put up with damn red hair, he just trying to protect his family :( Thank you so much Giovani for being smart, for helping poor Felix, for loving him, he knows something is wrong with red hair and and Felix, GET REVENGE FOR FELIX!!!! Felix and Giovani deserve the best things in life, they deserve to be happy!!!

lol this would be me if i saw any cute couple in showing their cute relationship! (as long as they dont be full on making out and all... but like the cute relationship ones~~) It would be like going to see an episode of wholesome relaxing calming moment~

I CANT!! i need the priest to be with saliou! i cant really stand the sex scenes with the vampire... Poor priest! he thinks he is guilty because saliou died because of him... SALIOUS IS ALIVE AND WELL!!! and yet he is being put through hell!! I need to see more of Saliou! he be hot! and the vampire creeps me out... hahaha~
ok it is late at night, i wanted to binge something a little more light hearted drama, and here I am crying, frustrated, sad. If you are up for some sad, fucked up emotionally story, read this it is worth the read, but if this is not your cup of tea then dont read it SPOILERS!!....
The end came a little too fast I feel... like i mean is he really mentally ok now suddenly and he suddenly accepted all of this, his mom dying as well, and that jihye and his mom both had cancer? And everything that happend to jimin? Like i get it was one month later, but people dont just suddenly turn out all better, also hyunwoo was like unstable af as well! Also how are all the characters so fucked up?! hahaha~ like the other dude, he was like crazy obsessed with jimin, like the big pictures and everything, his life is fallin apart now too! Like it is a meeting of all the really fucked up people, Hyunwoo mostly became fucked up because of everything that happend to him, but still....