TYong Bubu followed a list

Everything in here's my personal favorite

Well the list's name is speaking for itself so I suppose you already know what you are getting yourself into

May contain another fucked up things:

- Stockholm Syndrome 
- Abusive partner

I'm not giving specific synopsis nor specific judgment on each title, just the score based on my liking cause dang, just open the damn title and read the goddamn shit. I guarantee you, it's worth it

Enjoy the ride and see you on the other side of the hell lol

01 09,2024
TYong Bubu created a topic of A Physical Education

The plot itself wasn’t bad, I just hate how he never said “I love you” back to him. That was fucked up

TYong Bubu asked a question

The story starts with two boys who were friends in middle school. The boys were jealous of each other. The first boy was jealous because his friend was going through puberty and he wasn’t. The other boy was jealous of the first because he was going through puberty, stood out like a sore thumb and missed his old body. They used to always hang out at the bus stop. Until one day, one boy told the other that he was moving, and they didn’t see each other for several years until college. I never got beyond this part, so that’s all the info I can give

TYong Bubu created a topic of Yours to Claim

The comments are killing me
I dropped this trash over a year ago, and it looks like the story STILL hasn’t progressed, I’ll come back in 6 months