Can someone give me spoilers?
As you saw the queen seemed a bit sus, caesare will be threatening the queen somehow so he can take ruby back to romania. She will cry and scream a lot and beg to not take him back while also saying she loves izek so much its really heartbreaking. Also unfortunately caesare will kiss her against her will and do you want to know how iz will find out about caesare ? Through freya she tells iz that ruby and caesare have a weird relationship going on, izek of course will not believe her. One day freya secretly saw how caesare took ruby to a private room (he beat her a lot) while freya thought they were doing intimate acts. She will tell izek, his sister and the others about it. Izek and the others will come running to the room and yeah seeing caesare violently beating her. He and caesare will fight while of course iz will win and will brutally kill caesare
I for need someone to tell me about the zombie shit? Like what??? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Hi! I’m someone who has some spoilers regarding that. I already put it in the comments but I guess it got lost lol. So here’s my summary again.
So the author wanted to be edgy and somehow make the ML a Zombie. Eden (the OGML) and the Mac become immortal humans as long as they stay in that world. Eden stays 170 years, then goes back to his original world, once he was done helping a guy rule. For some reason the MC kills the ML, and so after like 100 years, he comes back to life as a zombie. And it seems like she’s in some kind of long sleep, but once the ML comes back to life as a zombie, she wakes up and stays with him— maybe out of guilt for turning him into a zombie.
And this all the OGFL’s fault, because she revived Eden and turned back time after killing the ML. That's why both the MC and Eden were possessed, their original souls didn't exist after their death in the first timeline. I read that the OGFL lost her divine powers because of what she had done, and our MC got them now. I don’t know why, but for some reason MC HAD to be the one to kill the ML. The last little spoiler I read was that they had to deal with some gods, but I’m not sure what this is about. Yeah, that’s all I know, and it’s honestly horrible.
Hi! Yes, so from what I know the paladin, Eden, went back to his own world. Although I don’t have any further information about that, but he did. And I’m not all to sure about the saintess (OGFL), since I also only have the information provided by someone else, as I stopped reading the novel right before the paladin and the FL followed through with their plan, due to the spoilers I got. Sorry I can’t be anymore of help regarding that!
I never thought this would return