Yesterly February 13, 2021 5:57 pm

the conflict is just so fucking dumb? Like newsflash Kaname, if you don't want to have sex everyday with your long-term boyfriend, of TWO YEARS, because it's exhausting on your body or you're afraid of becoming sex maniac or whatever, then...just say so? Instead of being all weird about it?

And then when his boyfriend was rightfully feeling anxious because he wouldn't say shit, he actually had the AUDACITY to turn it back around and somehow acted like he's the anxious one and his boyfriend was in the wrong for not communicating, which is just....look in the mirror dumbass?

idk the story just frustrated me lol

Yesterly February 8, 2021 3:14 pm

This ahjussi is seriously the hottest hunk I've ever seen on BL

Yesterly January 30, 2021 2:27 am

Tachibana, Adachi took advantage of him while he was drunk, pretending it didn't happen the next morning, confessed that he actually liked him, then dumped him with the excuse that he only helped him fulfill his revenge fantasy, THEN confessed again that he lied so please forgive me and love me.

All the while Tachibana had to be the one who did all the chasing, having to endure his emotional outbursts, being dumped for no reason when he had actually fallen for real, THEN he also had to go on a wild goose chase to find him again while Adachi himself never took the first step to actually do something. In the end he felt guilty for never realizing Adachi's feeling before as if he could know about it when Adachi himself was contend to stay in his perpetual Tachibana would never love me-hood.

The art is hot tho :x

    Haruto January 31, 2021 11:56 pm

    Well, in my opinion, Adachi is not at fault and his actions were reasonable. Adachi gave up tachibana because he might get involve in all the troubles adachi is facing (stalking stuff). Adachi knows that tachibana is originally straight so adachi thought it was better to leave thinking that tachibana will be safe and be happier.

    Fuckbitchsgetmoney February 1, 2021 9:03 pm

    You’re definitely not wrong. People are so quick to fight a seme if the roles were reversed but when the seme’s the one not in the right mind it’s okay? Lmaooo but it is all just yaoi logic

    Lilypon February 6, 2021 8:33 am

    Literally i had the same thoughts! He manipulated him so much but oh well no one would cares that much about the seme if he isn’t a crybaby

Yesterly January 24, 2021 11:22 am

...I feel bad because I feel like I've already had certain expectation for this manga before even reading them. The manga are pretty cute and all, but as of the latest chapter compared to the equivalent live action's episode, I much prefer the tv adaptation instead.

I think there's quite a few reasons that has led me to to that opinion, mainly:

- Adachi had far better development in the live action. His feeling of insecurity, his introverted nature, and his thoughtfulness of others were already apparent from the very start, and all of those made him a really likeable and relatable character.

- Kurosawa seems way too...perfect in the manga? Whereas in the live action you've got the sense that he had enough flaws to make him more human AND still be a dreamboat precisely because of them.

- Fujisaki was such a sympathetic and likeable character in the live version. Her apathy for anything related to dating and romance and her bond with Adachi through the said fact was such an interesting development. I don't know yet how the manga handles her character, but hopefully it's something good.

- Ok this is incredibly important. ROKKAKU. BEST BOY. CUTIE PIE. Charming, cheerful, outspoken, loyal to his friends, goofball. Cue my disappointment that his character is totally not like that in the manga.

So yea, tl;dr the manga is cute, but for the love of god WATCH THE LIVE ACTION GUYS.

    TGE January 26, 2021 3:13 am

    There’s a live action Where can I watch it

    KoalaSama801 January 26, 2021 4:42 am
    There’s a live action Where can I watch it TGE

    Crunchyroll. It is complete. 12 episodes and two special episodes.

    TGE January 26, 2021 5:10 am
    Crunchyroll. It is complete. 12 episodes and two special episodes. KoalaSama801


    ikigai January 26, 2021 8:35 am

    Ohh I gotta watch this

    Bitterchoco29 March 18, 2021 2:44 pm

    ikr! I love that they portray Kurosawa as a perfect ikemen on the outside but actually he's just a hopeless romantic guy who can write a poem in his head

Yesterly January 18, 2021 2:43 am

What is it with these two and their recurring hate for anything pasta lmao

Yesterly January 16, 2021 12:34 am

I wish Sarang would just spit on his face and leaves him in a ditch or something, what a fucking self-victimizing hypocritical homophobic brat.

Yesterly January 14, 2021 12:08 am

to the guy who wanted to get a makeover to impress his senior? Like that plotline just suddenly ended without any continuation.

Yesterly September 18, 2020 6:38 pm

have such a great buildup, but the third chapter is just so abrupt. First the uke immediately blushes, then the ex-bf appears, then "you can't do it with man!!!" on the street, then sex scene. Kind of disappointed honestly. Will try to read the rest and update this later.

    Yesterly September 18, 2020 6:41 pm

    Oh yea add sudden "actually i love you" in there too

    Yesterly September 18, 2020 7:24 pm
    Oh yea add sudden "actually i love you" in there too Yesterly

    Okay, i've finished it. Overall it's really cute, but my god, does Yura become really annoying in later chapters.

Yesterly September 15, 2020 1:29 am

...and then i'll finally read it all. I hope it will go down the "Heesu in class 2" road though.

Yesterly September 10, 2020 6:21 pm

...really makes me appreciate Ritsu's journey to becoming a reliable manga editor, it's actually very well done and something that i didn't particularly notice as a teenager.

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