The black-haired guy is too petty for his age. This is some highschool shit. The blond wasn't disrespectful when he turned him down, he was just honest with him and himself that the guy wasn't his type.
Nobody is entitled to anyone. If someone doesn't want to date you for a variety of reasons and that's his right. Wtf

I comment again but Yolo, lol. I'm so tired of portrayal of abusing relationships (not just in yaoi, Mangas) but in any type of media. Also, the use of BDSM with proper research to actually pull it off. That's why many people have so many preconcepted ideas about it.
And before anyone comes here with the argument that 'iT' s FiCtIoN', no it's not, it's never just that.
It has been proved that media we consume influence us and vice-versa, we influence the media.Many times, movies and books were used as propaganda.
I don't say this in order to be mean to the author, but for her to learn something from this.

I agree with almost everything, until I read the last part. :( I felt like the author was being judged too soon? The story ain't finished yet and the author is already getting reprimanded. I mean- we don't know what will happen yet. Everything is for the plot. I will agree to criticize her if she would portray this relationship as a lovey dovey one that can be solved in a single kiss or what. But at this point, we don't know yet what will happen. I think it's too soon to say the phrase "...for her to learn something from this." Maybe we should wait for the story to finish first before criticizing the author. I think the only thing that we should be criticizing at this moment are the characters.

I can critize what I have seen. BDSM 's portrayal until now can' t be erased so there's that.Even if she starts doing BDSM right, it will be a weird and out-of-nowhere twist.
That's actually the problem with the story, eveything is done for the plot and there's pretty much no plot, let's call it what is it:porn.
Stories which are driven by the plot end up going nowhere but it's not like I expected peak storytelling with this manhwa, so I'm gonna stop here.
Thank you being civil.

I agree but, it's for the plot tho? The relationship dynamic is supposed to be a toxic one. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to a certain extent. But can I ask what would be the best situation in this? Should she just have not went through the toxic BDSM relationship route? Because I honestly don't understand how portraying a toxic BDSM couple is an auto poor writing. I think the conclusion should also be considered. And at this point, there's no conclusion yet.

Just like someone said, Chanwoo is not obligated to like MD back just because he does. and lmao at MD being exactly like the dudes he complains Chanwoo dates. Manipulating him in liking him because he refused him.
And also the portray of the BDSM in this is incorrect but you wouldn't expect anything elde. Slapping him before talking beforehand about it is not how things are done,you can clearly see Chanwoo is surprised.Nevermins that Chanwoo is a victim of abuse, shake my head.
I am tired of women being portrayed as the villans in Yaoi.
Yeah, irl it's usually males, but fuck her.