I fucking hate these bitches omg If i see them its literally on sight. The OgMC was a good person, but when he was suffering and even attempted suicide, the others did nothing but scream at and despise him. they only treat the MC better because he’s not an emotional mess anymore. I hate them so much.
These motherfuckers. Shame is free yet you still can't afford it???? They put the poor queen through so much hell just so they could suck eachother off and basically used her to create a baby. No on in that world respected her even a little bit. I have no clue how anyone on earth found this rat's ass looking mf pretty when he's literally built lik......
Things that made me feel like I ate shit on an empty stomach..let's go! 1.) Miscommunication. You babysat Queen Elizabeth...I'm sure you're grown enough to use your words and stop running away like a cornball. It gets me so irritated cause no way you're 27 and started cutting bitches off cause ML/FL was seen talking to someone. YOU'RE A LOSER. A s......
"If I get isekaied into their world ITS ON SIGHT" character