bangsta's experience ( All 0 )

bangsta's answer ( All 2 )

Because feces are not typically stored in the rectum, the part you can reach with a finger or a penis. Stool is stored in the sigmoid colon and is only released into the rectum at the time of a bowel movement. While there may be trace amounts of fecal matter remaining in the rectum, in a normal healthy person, there would not be large amounts, ie: ......   2 reply
03 05,2018
First: nobody reading this stuff thinks that rape is okay. I defy you to identify one person who has read a yaoi with rape in it and then run out, seeking to be raped. In the same way people who enjoy reading about serial killers and mobsters don't go out and imitate them en masse. Why doesn't this happen? Because people aren't quite that stupid. T......   4 reply
27 01,2017

bangsta's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did polyamory

I'm polyamorous, I think it's nice to have more than one lovers who are okay with each other. Plus, I'll never feel lonely then :D

4 hours
want to do seeing ufo


7 hours
did do light makeup

Eyeliners, heavy mascara, highlighter, lip gloss. I like the glossy skin glass look.

7 hours