Come on a cliff hanger? Please update soon!

Im so glad he defeated dudly! His ex father is so stupid and greedy!

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of Koi to Dangan

I would hope her family would be willing to come around. It's dangerous yes,but how can you stop love? Your daughters happiness. Be strong like she is, be her support, and if anything happens then you can beat him up lol but no.. I don't want her to have to choose, and I hope his mother doesn't start her match making. Dang it, thank you for the update, I hope to see more soon!

I understand he could have done things differently when it came to her sister, but he probably has a hard time communicating with her or something. Come on,this situation should get worked out nicely so he can still be her friend!

He better not say anything mean!

I support his love for her! I hope she can gain some confidence and acceptance.

I hope they turn that stupid man out on his head!

I know she feels uncomfortable around him, she still has some learning and growing to do.