JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of The Bridal Night

I hope you continue to update ^_^ Once he finds out she is the very girl he is looking for haha

I like that Motoya keeps calling him cute. Maybe they will work out.

Well, I was beginning to think he wasn't interested in finding his own love haha But yea knowing his taste lol Poor Yamada, He aint saying anything

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of Coffee & Vanilla

I clicked so fast! lol Man im looking forward to more! I appreciate who ever is working on this! Please continue! Thank you!

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of Haikaburi Complex

I actually prefer Kana or the real MIchiru. But our uke IS only after him for his looks so, have fun I reckon.

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of The Red Thread

They both spoke about it! This is too cute!

I enjoy this story, I love how possessive they are of each other.

I look forward to the next updates!

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of Coffee & Vanilla


I seen their child and HE IS SO CUTE! I can't wait to read the translations!

Im a bit salty too about it not being an official kiss scene, Im just going to convince myself that they did kiss. haha

JenJenLovesYaoi created a topic of Isekai Walking

I hope our Mc is able to protect himself from the king and his people.