I find it intresting how everyone is like i hope he dies so his suffering ends. That is so fucking fucked up. I hope he finds someone who will love and cherrish him and yes i know this story mostlikely won't have a happy ending, but a girl can dream.
But then it makes you think about the fact that if your childhood has been fucked up the likelyhood of having a okay life is very low if any. So all the talk about your life is your choice is bullshit. Anyways i cried so much lol i can't wait to read more.
This manga reminds me of spit on my grave movie lol
I so confused.can someone explain Why did they kill themselves? Did they both die at the end?
Yes, they did both commit suicide. I personally think it is because, at that time, the day dream they imagined themselves to be in, where they were not living in such darkness and full of such sorrow, began to fade and they could not bear the thought of returning to their former existences of "perfection" so they decided to kill themselves before that dream had ended.
Also, I think that P had another reason of his own. He knew that, eventually, just killing animals would not be enough for him and he was tormented by his decreasing hold on humanity. Because of this, he did not believe he deserved to love I and chose to end himself before he became even more monstrous than he was.
Hope that helps!
don't you find it interesting how society makes up rules then judges and punishes anyone who disobeys their made up rules? i mean why is it anybody's business who you wanna fuck. not that i'm into this sort of thing lol but i don't think others should have the right to choose someone else's life just because it doesn't agree with their belief.
Ok, some of 'society's' rules are wrong..but many are actually important. I think incest is horrible no matter what. I hate gender roles but once in awhile, I think that some gender roles are good (for example, women tend to be the better parent. It's not sexist, it's just a fact).
It DOES matter who you fuck. You wouldn't fuck a kid or an animal, would you? If someone was into that, would you brush it off as "it's fine, you can fuck whoever you like, it's society that is stupid."
So what I'm saying is, don't assume that all of society's norms are wrong. Some are just common sense that is reinforced, others are just ethical. Don't blame society for everything. You are part of society too.
i'm totally with you on the kid part(for a totally different reason tho), but other than that i wouldn't care. if it's consensual. don't get me wrong i get your point, but still life is too short to care about how society judges your love life. norms can be too harsh sometimes, like how they judge LGBT or whatever just because of the fear of unknown. it's just heart breaking you know.
also it's convenient for women to take care of the kids but men also have the potential to be even better than women in taking care of kids. if you were reborn in an alternate universe when everything was flipped then i'm sure your comment would have been the other way around and that's how norms work. society made ideas get embedded into our brains thinking there is only one right way, but there are more ways.
Incest is different from fucking a kid or an animal. One can be consensual and the others are ALWAYS non-consensual. Can you guess which is which? And can you tell me what non-consensual things usually look like? A crime, perhaps?
No, it is not a fact that women tend to be the better parent. That is society's dictates, that say women are the child bearers, rearers, caregivers, etc and that they can never step outside of those roles. And that is a HARMFUL societal norm. Because if women don't want children they are considered defective because of those 'norms', mmkay?
I can blame society for everything precisely BECAUSE I am part of it. There's no one BETTER, actually. Thanks.
About the women part...actually if you have taken any statistics or psychology class, you would know that women are more sensitive towards emotions. Of course, that isn't always the case, there are PLENTY guys out there that are better parents than their wives. But I'm talking about in general. On average. That isn't sexist, that isn't "society's norms," that's just what studies have shown. It isn't a bad thing. Some things men are better at and some women are. Not everything is a social construct. Women are labelled as "caregivers" because long ago they were simply better at it. Of course, things change, but not completely.
For incest: that was just my personal opinion. But having sex with an animal or a kid is wrong no matter what, consensual or not. Just because it's not rape doesn't make it right.
this is such a boring story. plz give us some action
If you mean romantic action, we just got ourselves a love triangle (or a love square, if you count Steel Dragon), ...and you say nothing is happening?
Well compared to everything else i read this is a bit boring to my taste. But it´s cute though