ren followed a list
ren followed a list

I'm specifically making this list dedicated to semes who are:
- Sufferers of Down Bad syndrome 
- generally huge simps (borderline crazy for their ukes, obsessed even). 
- gentle and loving from the get-go. 
- their affections are not driven by hidden agenda, etc. 
- All the semes listed here fell for the uke first. 
- I guess it's a fluffy list too. <3 

Fair warning that these shall only include the ones that i personally enjoyed. 

*The mangas listed are in no particular order of preference*

18 hours
ren created a topic of Koi no Ghost

this is random but does anyone know other works where the MC kinda looks like Seiya or has the same hair and stuff like that ? i really dig that style!!

ren followed a list
8 days
ren followed a list
8 days
ren followed a list
ren followed a list
ren followed a list