koneko-chan want to do ( All 1 )

coming out of the closet

koneko-chan's experience ( All 0 )

koneko-chan's answer ( All 20 )

Koneko means Kitten. Kitty-chan? Yes.   reply
22 05,2021
I am ace panromantic, somedays despite the very obvious organ between my legs i don't feel at all like the lady i'm apparently supposed to be, yet, very confusingly, i don't want to be a boy either. i realize i actually didn't mind being seen as either...further research later..."oh, so it's called being agender! Guess i'm that now...fuck-" I read ......   1 reply
20 05,2021
""No matter what other people may say, we are the protagonists of the world."" - Akaashi Keiji to Bokuto Koutaro in Haikyuu! It made me realize that i didn't have to put up with other people's shit, it didn't matter if someone didn't like me -- i always had this obsession with doing my best to be in other people's good books, even if it meant bein......   reply
12 05,2021
about question
10-billion percent valid! (though i'll admit i get confused sometimes but that's my problem)   reply
12 05,2021
ew i'll stab y'all if you touch me   reply
24 12,2020

koneko-chan's question ( All 0 )