If you uploaded through the “upload button” and not Imgur, just go to your homepage and click on “upload”. After you get there, you should find the manga that you uploaded and next to it, it should say “edit”. And after that, you should be able to reorder your pages and edit it to your liking.
How do I fix wrong order pages in a chapter I uploaded? ╥﹏╥
If you uploaded through the “upload button” and not Imgur, just go to your homepage and click on “upload”. After you get there, you should find the manga that you uploaded and next to it, it should say “edit”. And after that, you should be able to reorder your pages and edit it to your liking.
y/n profile > uploads > edit > "save and next step" 2x > -- "insert after .." and here is where you reorder the chapters
to reorder the pages: do the same steps, but when you're editing/inserting the images, you can drag the images in the order you want them to go in.
the order for the pages:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
feel free to ask any questions, and i am so sorry for my incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes. it is nearly 4am and i am not in my correct mindset.