Compared to the first chapters the art has honestly gotten lazy the last couple of uploads. Like they don’t even bother drawing facial features or expressions anymore which is disappointing because it was so good at at first. I still love the story and I will continue to read it. But disappointed in the art right now.( ̄∇ ̄")

Am I the only one who likes this but feels really weird because of like how they sexualize them. you know what I mean- like they’re like middle school and high schoolers and some of the images are kind of raunchy

Because it is a sad reflection of social media culture in real life. The Netflix movie Cuties was horrible, but it showed how a girl could go from a relatively conservative background regarding appearances to sexualizing her body through dance. People sling the word "thicc", "sexy" and "bad bitch" and stupid sexualizing shit because thry think it's cool, but it is fostering a horrible internet culture.
This whole comic reflects the life of young people who are severely depressed and on edge due to an unfortunate environment. A lot of it happens in real life. I'm surprised I haven't seen cyberbullying in this series yet. Hooni turned to social media for gratification and wanting to feel wanted, thus he followed the sexualizing/anime cat girl internet trend that was the most popular. He got harmful attention and put himself in danger by meeting with strangers online.
It happens commonly in real life and this comic is bringing the hard truths to you.

I definitely get that aspect is realistic but I’m talking about like the fan service. like a couple chapters ago some non-canon images at the end of the chapter were pretty sexual you know. Like the neighbor boy in the dog get up- like he’s 16 and a middle schooler and the glasses guy on the pole naked- also a minor. There is too much fan service for teen boys if this is supposed to be a social commentary pice

No one‘s talking about how actually genius and unique this story is. For one like in most reincarnation stories everybody either pretends like The character is not now a completely different person or they’re just like oh wow they’re nicer they changed I love them now ; without actually considering why, like the father and the maid when they noticed the little subtle differences day to day and how they handled the situation was beautifully depicted in my opinion. A few people are bothered by her personality or lack there of but I think she’s actually a very developed character, like how one track minded she is makes complete sense. as a person who just was appeared into a new world like the fact that she’s actually terrified to live her life is completely rational you know, even if the outcome would be death, I mean imagine the feeling of dread knowing that your life now it’s going to be filled with pain and hardships until you die. I just love how rational she is and how it just makes sense to me. Plus the little things like how she doesn’t automatically wanna be friends a female antagonist how she basically keeps the same personality you know what I mean she doesn’t suddenly become nicer n lovey-dovey and still has some murderous intent.
Bromance?!?! They are GAYYY