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KatTheKat created a topic of Unmei no Omega

I don't hold these fictional tropes to the same standard as irl
IMO Omegaverse is all about fated pair this and bonding this... Their feelings dont matter when it comes to the physical pull (That sounds bad to say-) but I did want him to end up with the Beta..or Throuple.. but Cheating!? I mean yeah..but no!
and if we ARE gonna go there... Then the 2nd cheating was SA! He was under the influence!! AND he managed to say no this time!! And let's not forget the Betas reaction to the first mistake! So I think we're fair (their paraphrased words not mines- I don't think him 'cheating' under the spell of Fate/heat warrants the beta R-ing him but whatever.. they said it's even) BUT LETS NOT ACT LIKE UKE DIDNT GO THROUGH HELL TOO! ( ̄へ ̄)