Mici Angels December 8, 2019 2:17 am

Okay. So we are this far in the the webtoon. I really like the art, okay, I'm lying. I love the art. And I like how it's unique storywise and has unexpected turns. Like the 28chap, I actually clapped.
I can't guess how the two, Nakyum and Seungho will come to be. I know Seungho will not stop going after him, so I wonder if their relationship will stay like this.
Nakyum is very resistant, which is good. But is his resistance tied with his affection for his teacher? Will he become more willing after he losses said affection? Will the teacher ever play a role in some kind of intimate relationship with Nakyum? I kinda doubt this, unless Seungho forces it.
We could have a romantic relationship, it's not rare (way too common actually) with rape stories in yaoi. Plus I'm sensing some past story coming up, it'll probably explain some stuff via the old servant. I really wonder if Seungho is a product of nurture or nature.
We could have an even worse relationship (at least in my book). Complete blackmail or something like slavery or locking up Nakyum.
Or he just lets him go. Doubtful. Plus the teacher doesn't give me a lot of faith that he'll do anything. He's the kind of guy who would probably blame Nakyum the victim.
Idk about a third (fourth?) person coming in, but I kinda think the author could pull someone worse than the Seungho so the Lord would look better in everyone's eyes

Mici Angels December 5, 2019 1:09 pm

Phew there's still domestics in this chapter. I'm surprised XY is cutting the apple in that way but I guess he's happy that he 'won' in the end. I'm lazy to even cut an apple lol
Be a bit nicer to A-Qing, XY. Go kill that 'person' who called her ugly, will ya :)

Mici Angels December 3, 2019 9:35 pm

I have a soft spot for XY, I can't help but laugh at the last remark at SL. 'No food for you'. I think this is the very same bit from the novel.
Again, I wish SL never came, chances are high all would have lived (lies, regrets and all).
I hate that my lovely domestic Yi part has come to an end. I'm so not prepared for the next chapters. Novel Yi City made me stop reading for like a week while I drowned in barely-there fix-fics........

    maychan December 6, 2019 12:12 pm

    I don't have any spot for XY, I only have hate for him. has for SL, if he would not have come, XY the asshole would have keep making Xiao Xingchen kill poor innocent people which is not better life for him. it actually much worse.
    so yeas XY need to die, fast.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 1:50 am

    XY stopped killing villagers after he came to care for XXC and A-Qing (*spoiler). Not gonna spoil but SL probably shouldn't have blamed XXC for what a crazy teen did, even after XXC gave him his eyes. XY finally got himself a family, it's both a sweet and scary sight. One mans loss another one's gain. The Yi family would have lived fine


    XY threatened XXC to kill everyone if he didn't wake up. It's also noted that Yi City is pretty much a ghost town when WWX and LWJ came, meaning he stayed true to him word. XY maybe messed up beyond repair but even he showed compassion in his own way, to XXC, A-Qing and JGY.

    maychan December 8, 2019 10:30 am
    XY stopped killing villagers after he came to care for XXC and A-Qing (*spoiler). Not gonna spoil but SL probably shouldn't have blamed XXC for what a crazy teen did, even after XXC gave him his eyes. XY finall... Mici Angels

    actually in the novel it never was mantion he stop making him kill people, only that they go into night hunt. XY never care about him, not even a little, if he would care about him he would never have told him he killed his best friend! so no your logic is flew.

    yeas he had a good time with them, but not much more. he never sew them has a family cause he is just a monster, that who he is the whole story. he have no human feelings, again if he did, he won't have kill a whole clan for a finger.
    nope, XY would have keep make Xiao Xingchen suffer in other ways, cause he is an asshole.

    what compassion are you talking about? how he kill and make zombies of the whole village with no good reason cause he can?! or how he killed a whole clan for one guy that hurt him (this will man he killed many young man, women, children, babies etc) and new he wants to bring back XXC to be his zombie soldier cause he enjoy to torture him just like he enjoy to use him to kill poor people. I think you blind.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 5:46 pm
    actually in the novel it never was mantion he stop making him kill people, only that they go into night hunt. XY never care about him, not even a little, if he would care about him he would never have told him ... maychan

    I'm not blind buddy. I've read the whole novel, twice the Yi city arc.
    I've hated XY very much until I actually decided to sit down and think about what makes his character. He's a product of nurture, very clearly falls on a spectrum of autism (slow learner in childhood later genius, his finger vs a whole clan etc etc). MXTX's made a very fine work of him, he's had a lot of character growth that's actually hard to see the first time.
    He never knew how to care for anyone since he never had anyone. He himself didn't know when he cared for people. He offered to r@pe someone who called JGY a son of a whore, he bullied villagers who sold XXC rotten vegetables and offered to beat up the person who called A-Qing ugly. The fact that he doesn't know he cares for people makes him an unreliable narrator both to us and himself.

    Who in the world would go such lengths to bring back their own enemy? Why would he BEG the Yiling Patriarch to revive a soul of someone he 'hated'? Why did he hold on to that one candy for so long? If he hated XXC so much, why did he suffer so much after his death? He wanted to make a lot of people pay for what they did to him. Why didn't he go trough such lengths for the dude who ruined his finger or his son? All of these point very clearly that he did care for XXC, he's just the kind of a man who would never admit it to someone. Also XY never made MOVE to kill XXC when he was revealed, despite the fact he ended up killing him with his words.

    XY had so much openings to destroy XXC while he was with them and we know he was creative with how he killed. He could have revealed that he killed those villagers way sooner, he could have killed A-Qing while XXC was still alive. He decided to play house with them instead, for years.
    XY was with them for years. If he truly made XXC kill villagers regularly, I think the village would have been much sooner a ghost town.
    I understand that you hate his character, but he isn't all black and evil. That's just insulting to MXTX, like really. JGY isn't all bad ether, WWX started of lowly too. This is nurture at it's finest for all three. JGS, WC, Jin ZiXun are the natural evils, comfy upbringing and they they ended up as evil people.
    You should understand that shades of gray exist, not just black-white

    maychan December 8, 2019 8:35 pm
    I'm not blind buddy. I've read the whole novel, twice the Yi city arc. I've hated XY very much until I actually decided to sit down and think about what makes his character. He's a product of nurture, very cle... Mici Angels

    1. I don't agree he had any character growth at all. you know he had character growth - Jin Guangyao. not to the good side, but he still had something.
    2. again the narrator you talking about is actually 2: Wei ying and A-Qing. which makes it much more reliable cause it comes from two perspectives that show you the same thing: how twisted and fuck up XY is.
    3. has for why said asshole wanted to bring him back, I think it pretty clear - he wanted to use him until the end to be his zombie soldier and to abuse him more, cause he didn't have enough of it. he is an unhealthy and toxic person, that harms even those who are good to him. I ask again, where do you see he is suffering from the story? oh right cause he didn't. that what you want to believe, but it never said in the text he suffers EVER over XXC! the only time we see him suffer and cry, is when he was a child. that the only time!
    4. not admitting something and actually harming them by telling them on purpose he killed his BEST FRIEND is something else!
    5. XY is the kind of guy that seemed to enjoy abusing people, well after killing a whole clan's that is. and he is very creative in his abusive manners, I know. but it still does not make him better, the story showing you time and time again how abusive and unhealthy person he is even to those who have the most compassion.
    6. here we totally disagree! my claim is that he is pure black evil, he has not a single good side in him. and everything, EVERYTHING he is doing is to harm people around him. even to those who were super good to him.
    AND NO IT'S NOT ANYONE FAULT HE IS LIKE THIS!! it is his sick problems! he is a sick person that never stop or feel guilty.
    NO! shade of gray we have Jin Guangyao, that by the way suffer much more than him in his childhood and still didn't become twisted has him!! that say something! shade of gray we also have Wei ying, has much it is hard to believe. even Jin ZiXun was less twisted than when we consider everything about this brat.
    XY is soo gray that is black, a whole lot of black XD
    anyway, let's agree to disagree and move on.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 8:58 pm

    I don't agree at all with you so lets drop it then. I have a very different view of XY. I always bundle XY, JGY and WWX in a similar bag. Since they all seem like parallels of each other and how much having someone affected them. Thank the gods for Jiang Fengmian and JGY's mum or we would have had three XY

    maychan December 8, 2019 9:26 pm
    I don't agree at all with you so lets drop it then. I have a very different view of XY. I always bundle XY, JGY and WWX in a similar bag. Since they all seem like parallels of each other and how much having som... Mici Angels

    no Wei ying never killed a whole clan, so they never EVER be the same. that the problem, you think everyone it the same while they are totally different in character, the way they react to things and the way they take care of people. XY could never take care of people, he could only harm them in some way or another. the only good thing for him is death.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 9:43 pm

    WWX had a family who took him in, JGY had a mother, XY had NO ONE. This is a big character maker. Idk if you ever learned psychology, but the majority of murderers are made thanks to their childhood. Nurture. The upbringining is the most important part of somebody's life. I could bet money that XY wouldn't have murdered anyone if he had a family like WWX.
    And this isn't a problem of mine, this is a pro of mine. Actually thinking about something before branding it 'Oh it's evil, kill it'. That's just cheap

    maychan December 8, 2019 10:05 pm
    WWX had a family who took him in, JGY had a mother, XY had NO ONE. This is a big character maker. Idk if you ever learned psychology, but the majority of murderers are made thanks to their childhood. Nurture. T... Mici Angels

    so? Wei ying lost his family and live in the streets, he suffers too! but you don't see him become a twisted fucker that kills half the world, now does it?
    I love how people try to rationalize his twisted and unhealthy fuckery by his childhood. I"m not even talking about Jin Guangyao's childhood that again is much worse then XY by miles away. and even Jin Guangyao still has more common sense and less cruel though he supposes to be much more evil if we consider his childhood.
    so nope, sorry XY childhood is nothing compare to others in this story, and we never told how his "family" was before we meet him in the street. so you can only guess by yourself, which I really don't care.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 10:19 pm

    Dude, WWX got saved. What do you not understand about this? He spent like a year or two on the streets compared to someone who was outside their whole life. And no, JGY didn't have a worse childhood, he did have it bad tho. XY had it worst, it's clear as day. If I got to choose which childhood to have between the two of them, I would choose JGY's. I don't want to be alone, resort to stealing or have my finger crushed. JGY had a mother, who loved him and taught him how to behave, smile, read and so on.
    The world was evil to XY and XY didn't want to be nice in return. He had autism or was on the spectrum, which also takes effect a lot (that's for the 'clan vs his finger').

    maychan December 11, 2019 8:49 pm
    Dude, WWX got saved. What do you not understand about this? He spent like a year or two on the streets compared to someone who was outside their whole life. And no, JGY didn't have a worse childhood, he did hav... Mici Angels

    dude before he got saved he could have become just like XY but the fact he didn't show he is different from him! it is a fact.

    maychan December 11, 2019 8:50 pm
    Dude, WWX got saved. What do you not understand about this? He spent like a year or two on the streets compared to someone who was outside their whole life. And no, JGY didn't have a worse childhood, he did hav... Mici Angels

    nope JGY had worse!! don't give me your opinion, it is a fact!! you can't even compare to a fucking finger!

    maychan December 11, 2019 8:52 pm
    Dude, WWX got saved. What do you not understand about this? He spent like a year or two on the streets compared to someone who was outside their whole life. And no, JGY didn't have a worse childhood, he did hav... Mici Angels

    and by the way I don't give a shit on shat sickness he have! he still harm others - again a fact! and those who harm other's should get their punishemnt in the end.

    Mici Angels December 11, 2019 11:31 pm

    You aren't bright very much, are you?

Mici Angels October 7, 2019 6:14 pm

Can someone remind me when they'll resume the webtoon? I think it was the end of October but I honestly forgot and I can't find the comment with the info

Mici Angels September 26, 2019 8:12 pm

Why am I getting the feeling the seme is just using him. It seems like he tried extra hard to get into his pants. I have a feeling he's dating people besides him, an introvert who stays at home is a perfect clueless bedwarmer for him....
The friend dude doesn't sit right with me ether. I'm about to call Sherlock, Batman, Winchesters and Scooby gang to crack those two.

    Noi September 27, 2019 4:16 am

    I feel the exact same way, because all he ever really wants is sex! And he knows that the protagonist is an introvert and is easily attached! I think it’s gonna be a while before the protagonist finds out the truth

    Nao Ren September 27, 2019 9:42 am

    At first I thought so too, but they both have issues... They are just both equally broken. 둘다

    DESIREE September 28, 2019 6:49 am

    Ikr, the seme is trying really hard to fucc, it's odly suspicious.But lets see what happens(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Mici Angels July 17, 2019 4:39 pm

I don't know why I thought of this while I was reading. But this is the only instance where you can get away with 'yaoi (big) hands'.
Can't wait for mooore, gonna keep an eye on this one for sure

Mici Angels September 5, 2018 3:57 am

Can't explain how much I feel in love with Never Understand, to see another work from this person is plain amazing.
By the very end, since it turned an 'unexpected' route with the pretty guy being the seme and buff one being uke, it really reminded me of Berserk's Guts and Griffit. I know it's a strange comparison, but I can't unsee it anymore especially since Griffit is mostly the seme in fanworks XD

Mici Angels August 26, 2018 12:32 pm

I hope we get more from this author/artist. The art is just amazing

    nucha August 26, 2018 12:37 pm

    We’ll do the remaining chapters in the near future^^

    Ponta August 26, 2018 2:08 pm
    We’ll do the remaining chapters in the near future^^ nucha

    Oh my God Yasss I'll be waiting for your hard work ahhhhhhh thank u for picking it up <3

    Nao Ren August 26, 2018 5:46 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    I still like Shiro.......................
    Artwork maybe got boonk but I like the story so far... I mean I didn't expect them to be mutants.... and when Shiro and Hound were wrestling I thought they look oddly similar.... then he said he is somewhat like his younger brother ... I was like OOOOOOH!!! Really now

    Nao Ren August 26, 2018 10:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Didn't you read the raws?? Sorry if I spoiled it

    Nao Ren August 26, 2018 10:16 pm
    Nao Ren August 27, 2018 9:27 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Ops sorry then I shall spoil you no more; just explain what I meant.
    Theres a bit of SciFi here... :D so Basically Shiro (the guy who looks like Hound) stripped to show his tattoos and told Lozzo that Hound had the same (altho Lozzo said ''Same tattos as Hounds") and then he explained that they were ''tsukurareta ningen'', which is ''constructed human'' in other words, he said ''Myu-tanto" which would be from English word "Mutant" Right? And so on and so on

    Nao Ren August 27, 2018 9:31 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Sorry, I have to spoil you that Hound has a very pretty name

Mici Angels March 8, 2017 1:43 am

I can't help but ship Sunbae and Sunhwa. I love the creepiness of Sunbae and his eyes give me chills. I always had a pattern with bad guy/villain ships.
I'm not much for fluff tbh ( ̄へ ̄)

Mici Angels January 11, 2017 4:26 pm

For some reason I see the blonde guy as Germany from Hetalia. Its not the personality, but the appearance. He's like a thinner and bit older version of Germany. Now that I know his name (complicated to me), he has a nickname Ludwig/Germany from me

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