I've been waiting for A-Yao for soo long. He is so adorable and handsome. I love how he is protective of Jin Ling. And holy shite QIN SU. She is so cute. How delicate A-Yao is with her.
But I don't like those doubtful eyes Lan Xichen is throwing, he's our hinbo after all

Ah same they're both good villains and objectively I like them both but at the same time I hate them for their villainous deeds XD lol which basically makes them even better villains rofl I think at the end of day I just respect the authors character development bc its amazing I mean she made them all so multi-faceted that I do feel for them. Ngl my heart hurt for Xue yang, guangyao didnt pull my heartstrings as much but he was still like a master class villain

Dude, I almost died when Jggy pushed LXC. Not even Wangxian smut helped me after he died. At least one sneaky villain was left alive.
Shite, now I'm back to wondering what makes a good villain good. I honestly rarely find villains that are nicely developed hate-able. I can probs name two of my hand.
Other villains like Wen Chao, Wen Ruohan, Jin Guangshan are terribly one dimensional in my opinion and are made just to be hated on. Tho that donghua Wen Ruohan is badass, novel WRH is nowhere to be found

Wym who was left alive? And imo a good villain is one that despite the shady actions, you can understand and relate on one level or another like guangyao or xue yang. I get them, I understand why they r they way they are despite how i feel about what they did. I think when you take the time to construct a fully realized person who does bad things instead of just a 2D disney villain like ruohan (I agree; he had like what 1 page in the book XD) is what makes a good bad guy but that's just my opinion

That's also how I see good villains. I realised, thanks to Joker and Negan, that even if they bash my favourite characters, I can not loosen my love for the villains in them. But then there are some developed villains you can't like. Kinda like Palpatine from Star Wars or Donzo from Naruto, great villains but....ugh? XD
Nie Huaisang is left. People tend to forget him, but he's not a good guy. I was expecting LXC to turn sour but not him. Such a nice surprise

Never said he did, but I suspected he and A-Yao worked together. I have a bad history with all smile characters. Who would have guessed he'd be so pure
Wouldn't call him a hero. He did a lot of stuff, he was the person pulling the strings since WWX returned. NMJ would have been disappointed in him, but oh well. No one could please the bullhead

Idk I saw him differently. Huaisang knew what guangyao did but he couldnt do anything about it so he manipulated the situation so WuXian would get summoned and help to defeat guangyao both bc he was evil and he had killed chifeng. Huaisang was like the ultimate mastermind going toe to toe with guangyao so I rly liked him actually total gap moe lol

I liked NHS because he fooled me, and he turned out to be a cold bastard as well. Reading his parts from Cloud Recess times to present, I never felt like he was acting. I actually liked the clueless idiot who became a sect leader. Even when wondering who wrote the letter, I scrapped him off. But the drama made him too obvious, likewise with A-Yuan in donghua. It's why the novel kicks ass, you never know what's gonna happen.
It's kinda funny how all the shorties are the most dangerous guys around XD

Can someone link me to the newest raw chapter. My old link isn't working anymore as it seems?

https://tkor.vip/%EC%95%BC%ED%99%94%EC%B2%A9 The chapter isn't out yet, but they did change the link

We need more a/a, o/o, a/b and o/b stories!!!........since those are the only ones I am able to read in these 'verses XD

It was a hypnosis mic dj featuring a reversible couple ;)
here u go https://myreadingmanga.info/tsumugi-seisansei-no-takai-futari-no-seisansei-no-hikui-seikatsu-hypnosis-mic-dj-eng/

The only times I ever cried during novel, series and audio drama were all when XY died. First time being while I hated his guts. Seeing the candy in his hand just breaks me every single time. I love him so damn much now, one of the most interesting characters in the story for me. He's probably the reason why I love the arc so much and reread it like 4 times already. Manhua didn't bring me to tears but I was near. I still wish there was an extra for more Yi city. This arc is like it's own world in MDZS.
Rest in Peace Xue Yang, I hope you and Xiao Xingchen can have happiness in your next lives. A-Qin too <3
Also.... Lan Wangji. STOP CUTTING HANDS OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS YOU HOT TWAT. And Ouyang Zizhen you are dangerously close to being hugged
Wait. Is Jin Guangyao tall in here or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Nope, Qin Su is just really short xD
Yeah, it must run in the family *cough*
It's his hat rofl