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ValentinaXD February 23, 2025 6:03 pm

Can someone explain why Mo had those photos but put tape on his face? And can someone explain the "tian leaving mo" thing? I'm still quite confused sorry

    Leya February 23, 2025 8:19 pm

    Well the story had a time skip which isn't explained properly.
    Remember the time he tian was kidnapped by his brother? And then they all ran away and finally caught? It seems he tian went abroad and out of anger/missing him mo masked he tians face in the photo. Kinda like to forget him but we all know he can't

    Mimikip February 24, 2025 3:47 pm
    Well the story had a time skip which isn't explained properly. Remember the time he tian was kidnapped by his brother? And then they all ran away and finally caught? It seems he tian went abroad and out of ange... Leya

    Tysm for this comment i was so confused

    ValentinaXD February 24, 2025 7:42 pm
    Well the story had a time skip which isn't explained properly. Remember the time he tian was kidnapped by his brother? And then they all ran away and finally caught? It seems he tian went abroad and out of ange... Leya

    Omg thank u sm that makes so much sense

ValentinaXD December 25, 2024 3:20 pm

Omg this turned so dark...I actually got the chills with the videos

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