i can't blame the authors for being furious and upset. they have all the right to be mad about all this. imagine if u were the author, you wouldve been atleast a little upset too right? they worked so hard on their creations just so it can be read for free on some illegal website. they pretty much achieve barely anything from it. but they also need to understand that some people who read it on illegaly do support them and pay for their stuff. not everyone has enough money to buy their creations. i also respect that the authors asked the uploaders politely if they can remove the chapters but it also doesn't give them the right to go ask their legal readers to mass report this site and manwha. they couldve just contacted the uploader privately and personally. well either way, if this site/manwha gets deleted for good, just wanted to say that BL helped me trough alot. thank you authors and uplouders.

if i see one comment defending those crusty ass minors im fucking done.

This is actually being debated here in the country where I live. If in the story the minors have no liability to the law if they are 14 and below in the country where I live kids age 17 and below have no liability to the law which makes it more difficult in controlling the minors. I can still remember when a 14 year old kid here shot a kid of the same age with a gun to his face just because of a kids fight and news being shown in television where minors being used as drug courrier. The law enforcers can't do anything about them because the law can't bare their fangs against them.
bye bye yours to claim. we have to respext the authors orders.