yuh's experience ( All 0 )

yuh's answer ( All 5 )

in my country, there's this bookstore called Fully Booked. there's a lot of manga and comics there you probably will but even if you're broke lol, they have a website and i think they're open for shipping internationally!   reply
24 06,2021
about crying
yuh 24 06,2021
that's what's happening to me rn ajsjahhaha my research teacher don't approve our research topics and we got a research defense. she shamelessly told that our group is irresponsible and embarrassed us with our classmates. turns out, she gave us a low grades that can't keep up with the satisfactory my parents is feeling. it's quite actually difficul......   reply
24 06,2021
about crying
yuh 24 06,2021
padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo santificado sea tu nombre venga tu reino hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden no nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. I pray forgive you lord for what I've seen today, f......   reply
24 06,2021

yuh's question ( All 0 )