I don't think minors, especially kids under 13, should be exposed to things such as yaoi or smut manga/anime. I will 100% admit that this makes me a bit of a hypocrite, since I started reading this stuff when I was 14, but now that I'm older and see that kids as young as 8 are reading these things I can't help but feel alarmed. These manga often po......
Truthfully, I was exposed to yaoi very early. Maybe like 12 or 13. I will try and keep myself short: I feel like ppl under 13 (oh what a hypocrite I am) shouldn´t consume sexual content as a form of pleasure or something. I feel like at that age you shouldn´t even think about sex. As a general rule of thumb I always say that if you can´t handle ......

Don't get me started on Horus who is just as obsessed and messed up in the head as his father.
Then Isis, whom I like a bit, but is also bad for not being able to expose Osiris and stupidly cursed herself...
Anubis is just...blegh...lots of feelings there but he's not a bad person yet, just a misguided child
Sepsis or whatever her name is who gave birth to Anubis is just plain pathetic
So in the end, nothing new. If I wanted to read about gods being assholes and rapists, I coulda just read some greek myths.

Me: *goes up to rival* I know how we can prove who is better!
Rival: How?
Me: Well, all we have to do is have a drinking contest-
Rival: I'm sensing there's an and
Me: And we try to get eachother off and then we fuck!
Rival: wow! That is a great idea! I say we do it!
5 Minutes later
*Two drunk ass assholes fuck eachother*

Have you ever questioned the idea that people who aren't over 18 shouldn't ...