The anime is way more popular but it's because years ago when people asked for anime recommendations others would reply with boku no pico to trick newbies into watching gay pedophilia and also people used to watch to see how much they can endure
The anime is way more popular but it's because years ago when people asked for anime recommendations others would reply with boku no pico to trick newbies into watching gay pedophilia and also people used to wa... Datan
I'm all caught up (ch 38) but honestly I'm going to shelve it until it's finished. It's ok in my opinion, but it's one of those that I think would be better if it was completed first.
I'm all caught up (ch 38) but honestly I'm going to shelve it until it's finished. It's ok in my opinion, but it's one of those that I think would be better if it was completed first. Dreams_and_Music
nope. it have zero plot. and mostly just sex with zero point and it's not even sexy. it mostly just boring manga. if you want to get annoyed and bored, go ahaed XD
This is like... one of the best omegaverse stories i've ever read
If anyone tells you "Omegaverse is shit", show them this