If everything haram was halal for a week, what haram thing would you do?

hmmm, that's interesting actually. Why is it difficult for me to think of anything?
I'd drink alcohol and eat bacon/anything pork related
I can't even think of haram things, LMAO. I'd say have casual sex but i'm too young for that and i personally don't want to, but if it were a couple of years in the future, that would be an option.

Hmm, it's pretty hard to think of something but I'd probably just want to read Mangas and manhwas that have sex in it.
Drinking might make me do some embarrassing things and I'd probably get a headache so that's a no for me. I've tried pork before so that's a no
I'd want to date people and kiss them on the lips but no sex. I heard cussing is haram so I'd want to cuss even though I do cuss.

You have a favorite color?

Hmm I don't really have a favorite food but I do like my mom's food like aseed and khubz (is that how you spell it? I don't know how to spell it and I've never been taught how to spell in Arabic).
Y'know, I'm a very boring person so you won't get anything interesting out of me. I don't really have any hobbies but I do like reading and I do like going out with my family to explore new things but I rarely ever go out.
Have you eaten today? Also, would you consider yourself as decisive or indecisive?

You should definitely try mulukhiya! Then again it varies between country to country, but the one i like eating is the cooked one- with rice or gorrassa (no idea how to spell it in english. Can you read arabic? قراصة)
Arabic is a difficult ass language, still can't speak it properly and it's my first language
Anyways same! I love reading. Do you prefer writen books or like... comics/illustrated books?
Yes, i ate twice (as usual)
I think i'm indecisive... I overthink and worry a lot, but idk if i'll grow out of it. Other than this, i jump the gun (that seems decisive tho, right? Like i can just act up on instinct sometimes)
Honestly it depends, but i'm mostly indecisive ig

honestly same, i like well put together songs no matter what genre
But a current preference is soothing, jazzy songs like "Still with You" and BTS "Rain"
"Black Swan" and "We On" aren't in that same category but are also on top of my list
And R&B omggggg yk Ariana's album? Safety net, POV, Positions, and every other song are on repeat whenever i'm bored

I want to learn how to fight, cook, actually study instead of just cheating (I'll start doing that when I go to public school), probably learn how to draw, learn a new language. I think I want to do a lot of things but I'm just too lazy to do it and I always feel like stopping when people point it out and when they decide to compare me to a little kid.
How about you?

I'd love to say that i can help you with studying but i think you're at a higher grade than me so... good luck lmao
I'd wanna learn how to dance and fight tbh, i don't think i can atp cause of lack of time and, yk, money? I mean.. These are all extra things i want to know and i have to focus on main things like my future career and all. I'd love to say "Maybe later" but i have very little hope for that.
I think i'll cooking and driving in the future for sure tho! And those people who like comparing you with others should mind their business, i hate comparing people and setting high standards.

My friend is a year younger than me but she has helped me with my math homework before. She's very smart just like you
Inshallah you'll have time to do the things you want to do.
My brothers let me learn how to drive with them whenever I ask them but they're busy so I haven't told me to teach me yet (i have driven before. I'm kinda good but now really. I drift a lot).
Cooking and driving are a necessary thing for a lot of people. Hopefully we can learn how to do those things.
For real. I hate comparing. I'll never understand why people compare. It's so unnecessary and hurts the other person.

yk that's my usual timing between meals, but i didn't eat anything this morning + i slept hungry so... Yeah, i was starving lol. Then again, i think this is all caused by me not moving, at all. I just sit there, slumped all day all night. Been like this for a couple of months cause i'm sad
Anyways i ate 2 servings Tasted delicious asf

What year are you in? Like are you in high school? Uni? I'm entering my senior year
I hope so but i pressure myself to reach my very high expectations in certain things, that leaves me with little to no time for extra activities. I don't know anything about driving cause i always panic on the road (Ayo the roads are wild where i live, they have to have cameras and like... those guideline thingies everywhere cause people are ignorant smh. Where i'm at, you can get your driver's liscence once you reach 18 and i'm 2 years from that so let's wait, haha.
So yes, hopefully we do learn!
As for comparing omgggggg, my dad used to compare me to my classmates, whenever i get a grade below my usual (like.. 80-90%), he would glare at my paper and ask for the highest grade.
I happen to have a bookworm in my class (she legit studies everything in the vacation and never accepts anything below 100. She even gets upset when she gets a 97 and the bonus raised it to 100 like.. these exams only prepare us for more imp exams babe, chill) so getting a low grade (if you consider 80-90% low ig) is just.. upsetting to him so i hide it. I mean this is all in the past and i've gotten a grip + stopped sharing anything school related with him so it's way less stressful.
I just hated the feeling of disappointing him so i put my 110% in class. Parts of that remain till now ig, sad.. but idc cause it's the vacation now

I'm in high school. Did you skip a grade or something?
That sounds scary. Be careful on the road if you ever drive.
Bruuhhh 80-90% is good. You don't need to stress yourself out just to meet his expectations.
It's sad disappointing your parents but his expectations of you is way too high. It would matter if you did get 80-90%. You still got a good grade, so at the end of the day, his expectations of you wouldn't matter.
Just be happy with what you got. You've studied a lot. Vacation is fun

I'm like.. a year younger than my classmates cause i started studying early. What year? Junior? Senior?
Yeah, whenever i do learn how to drive. That's in a couple of years later so i'll worry about it when the time comes
80-90% is a good grade, i know that. However, i know i can score well if i pay attention and study properly. I'll admit, i've been slacking cause i wanted to, yk, lay back and chill so sometimes, my grades do dip. I wouldn't care if all of this was his concern alone, i was upset as well so i took it cause i agreed. Still, it felt upsetting to not get reassurance.
All in the past tho! I graduated junior year with full A*s so that's great!
And yea, the vacation is (supposed to be) fun, i'm just.. tired. I'll get better soon isa
As for the "force yourself to eat", no cause i don't move. The more you move/exercise, the hungier you'll get and i'm the laziest bitch atm. Didn't go out of my apt for a couple of months, barely moving. Dw! I'm doing my best! Sometimes i just can't finish my food cause i feel too full, i promise it's not as bad as you think ^^

How have you been? We haven’t talked for a while.

aren't the formums a mix of drama, weird shit and like.. random bs(your 15th pic____, picrew, _____ test, etc..)? Cause it gets bland after a while, yk?
There was a skribbl.io one which i just entered tho, that was fun. this one: https://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/609196/

I think I'm eating a lot more than I used to even though it's Ramadan.
Happy Ramadan and if you're fasting, good luck with that.

do you know who these users are?
Anyways, i am doing better now! Summer vacation is quite uneventful cause i've been feeling dejected and haven't done anything but i'll start studying (i have exams in a couple of months) and exercising soon.
How's it been at your sister's place? Anything new about you? (i could care less about the drama on here atp)

I don't know who these users are.
I feel like you're always studying and doing your exams. Is there any time where you get a break from doing those things?
Ooo I wanted to start exercising too but it's too hot for me. I can barely breathe when I go outside since it's so hot.
It's been alright. I just hang out with my nieces and nephews. Nope, nothing is new about me. I'm boring like that

thing is, i'm planning on studying abroad so i can't afford to get bad grades. The exams coming up aren't really necessary but will help me. ICT exams, i didn't do well last time i had them cause they were backed up with multiple exams + schoolwork.
I also want a vacation but... Oh well, i'll get that vacation later haha.
And b you're not boring! Look at me, all i currently do is study and sit at home
If you will exercise, do it indoors. Cool the room you'd do it in beforehand and don't turn on the AC during or right after you work out.

Ahaha i think it's related to me being stressed yk. When i was in school (like- before summer vacation), i had no time to take care of my health (3-4h of sleep, 2 meals a day, barely drinking water) and it's followed me since then ig.
It's difficult to eat more but i'm getting there i think, so dw :)

ily too <3!
I'd love to get a break as well and i have, for 2-3 months now! It's just that i've been very depressed for some reason (i think all my worries that i've been ignoring due to lack of time are catching up and... it's not fun, haha) so days are passing and i can't feel them cause i'm sad and all. Barely online or going out with anyone, struggling to take care of my mental and physical health, not a fun ride.
I plan to go out with my friends and go online more often, i went online here so... yeah!
I drank water a couple of hours ago! A full bottle! So yeah that's great :)

It's defo not fun struggling with your mental and physical health.
You're mental and physical health are super important. It takes a while but hanging out with your friends, talking about your struggles with the people you trust, and eating will definitely help your mental health.
Idk if it'll help but maybe you should plan out a schedule, like eat breakfast in the morning, study at a certain time, take a break, hang out with friends, etc. But remember to change it up a little bit.
That's awesome! I'm so proud of you <33
Also, I might not be the best at talking but you can always come to me if you wanna talk about anything.

See here's the thing... I'm quite reserved and i dislike talking about my problems. It actually makes me feel uncomfortable, even me sharing this here feels like i'm.. idk, attention seeking? That it's unnecessary, i mean there are other people struggling even more than me and you don't hear a breath from them. All i'm doing is bringing negativity to people who are already struggling, especially with the pandemic.
^longer than i thought it'd be but... yeah.
I also barely talk to my bff anymore, which makes me upset cause i'm like... her big sister. She has no friends where she's at (the country's just like that, at least the area she's in) and is also at a terrible mental state. I wish i could be more positive to talk to her more and cheer her up but all i'd do now is bring up terrible topics unintentionally, i'm scared to not be able to help.
^that was also longer than i thought, wow.
Anyways don't worry, i'm used to dealing with shit alone. I'm getting better, as though i'm my own therapist :)
I'm waiting for the day i wake up and go "Damn, today's great!" but alhamdulillah.

Babe, talking about your struggles isn't attention seeking and comparing your struggles with other people isn't right. You shouldn't be invalidating your struggles just because other people have it worse. Everyone goes through things and all of them are valid (including you!)
I understand that it's hard for you to talk about your struggles so you can take your time on it. Talk to people when you're ready and I'm always free to talk if you want to! Also, you are definitely not bringing negativity into this!! It's 100% okay to talk about your struggles, nothing is wrong with talking about it! (If you wanna talk about this privately then dm me anytime)
Try reaching out to her first. How about you talk about your favorite shows, foods, books, movies, favorite places, etc.?
(I have to go somewhere rn so I can't continue but I'll finish when I come back)

Well... I'm not specifying that there are people who have it worse, i'm saying that there are people, some struggling more than i am, who just never tell anyone. Think about it, they induce less stress, right? Sharing anything negative makes me feel like i'll drive away my friends, ruin their day and/or make them struggle with me. I'm just not that type of person, yk?
I think it's because of middle school, a time where there were rumors about me and i had no real friends. The only "friends" were people who used me. Later on, i got 2 "best friends" who i introduced to eachother and they slowly got closer till we became distant. Never talked to them about it cause i'm a pussy and i'm suffering the consequences seeing them together in posts/tagging eachother/talking to eachother. A painful reminder i was nothing to them.
Enough of all that, i'm fine, i'll live. All of this is in the past and i'm growing up anyways so i shouldn't sweat it, really. All of this bs is coming to mind because i'm stressed.

I'm back :)
It's okay if you don't know how to help, you can always just be there for her. Talk to her, let her know that you'll always be there for her and such like that.
Just so you know, you don't need to deal with it alone. You can tell people you trust any time you want.
Inshallah you'll have amazing days everyday and be happy :)

Hmm, yes there are people who don't talk about it but it doesn't mean that it's a good thing. Sometimes it can make things worse, like I have a friend whose father passed away because he didn't talk about his mental health. It was really bad but he kept it to him self to the point he couldn't take it anymore and ended his life. That's why you need to talk about it with people you trust.
But that's what you feel, it doesn't mean that your friends will have a bad day just because you told them about your struggles. If they were your real friends then they'll be there for you, y'know? Also, you can tell your parents about it if you want. I don't know how your parents are but I'm gonna assume that they care about you and love you, you can always tell your mom or dad about it.
Oh my God! That's horrible! Bro, I wished I lived where you lived so I can be your irl friend and spoil you with things and be there for you. Try to make new friends who you think are nice and hang out with them. If they treat you like crap, then stick up for yourself and drop them. I hope you make friends who will treat you amazingly.
You should defo forget about them and focus on yourself. If your stressed then make sure to do things you love so you can feel better.
Here's something that might help you reduce stress https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/16-ways-relieve-stress-anxiety
I care about you so I hope you take care of yourself <3

Here's another one https://www.verywellmind.com/tips-to-reduce-stress-3145195
Idk if they will help though

may he rest in peace.
I haven't spoken to anyone in forever and... what? Do i go online and talk to them only when i selfishly need it? That's how it feels. I'm aware all of this is a biased view cause i'm stressed, like looking through a blue glass pane and seeing everything in blue. It's understandable. I'll get over it, don't worry :)
I'm a badass bitch so i don't let people walk over me anymore, dw. The ex bestfriend situation wounded me heavily, yes, but i'm healing now! I have a best friend (it was me, 2 girls and my current bestie. Me and the 2 girls were a trio while my current bestie was like... there. Thinking about it, her situation similar to my current one! Agh, i feel bad.)
I'm actually listening to BTS' new song, "Permission to Dance" and it's such a positive vibe so i'm feeling better than when i wrote that passage, haha!
Anyways i care about you too! This talk helped me so thank you bby <3

Music helps a whole lot! It's like- 9:20AM? And i've been streaming since the premiere lmao
It's the thought of being young
When your heart's just like a drum
Beating louder with no way to guard it
When it all seems like it's wrong
Just sing along to Elton John
And to that feeling, we're just getting started
When the nights get colder
And the rhythms got you falling behind
Just dream about that moment
When you look yourself right in the eye, eye, eye
Then you say
I wanna dance
The music's got me going
Ain't nothing that can stop how we move, yeah
Let's break our plans
And live just like we're golden
And roll in like we're dancing fools
We don't need to worry
'Cause when we fall, we know how to land
Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight
'Cause we don't need permission to dance
There's always something that's standing in the way
But if you don't let it faze ya
You'll know just how to break
Just keep the right vibe, yeah
'Cause there's no looking back
There ain't no one to prove
We don't got this on lock (Yeah)
The wait is over
The time is now so let's do it right, mm (Yeah)
Yeah we'll keep going
And stay up until we see the sunrise (Yeah)
And we'll say
I wanna dance
The music's got me going
Ain't nothing that can stop how we move, yeah
Let's break our plans
And live just like we're golden
And roll in like we're dancing fools
We don't need to worry
'Cause when we fall, we know how to land
Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight
'Cause we don't need permission to dance
No, we don't need permission to dance
Da-na-na-na-na-na-na (Hey)
Well, let me show ya
That we can keep the fire alive, mm
'Cause it's not over
Till it's over, say it one more time
I wanna dance
The music's got me going (Music's got me going)
Ain't nothing that can stop how we move, yeah (Hey, yeah)
Let's break our plans
And live just like we're golden (Ooh)
And roll in like we're dancing fools (Like we're dancing fools)
We don't need to worry
'Cause when we fall, we know how to land (We know how to land)
Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight (Ooh)
'Cause we don't need permission to dance

I haven’t read a story that tugged my heart the way this one did in a long time. Just the way she describes how she feels about love… I relate to this to the extent of imagining myself in her. I don’t want to describe as to not spoil but, God. I really appreciate her. I don’t know, I wonder if I’ll see her have a happy ending and get some sort of hope.