Pk_neuneu's feed

i have the feeling things will be hard for them now, well, harder than before
because we're dealing with family issues now, and for the flashbacks seen, kotani's father is nowhere to ne found, if he appears it'll mean bad news

it's really hard because one of them ALWAYS wanted to be married, that was even the reason he got in the match making thing, he wanted to get marry and start a family.

as an omega he faces multiple problems in he's daily life, the laws are better and stuff, yeah, but he still an omega and the most minimum split his whole life shatters due to pheromones, that's why he wanted to be marry, so he could be someone's mate and no worry about it anymore at the same time he fulfilled his dream of having his own family

one saw the bad side of marrying, whether it was out of compromise or convince, still a bad marriage. The other, due to his circumstances and prob family dynamic, doesn't have a bad sight of marriage and idealized.