i love Miley
LOOK AT MY LESBIANS !! CUTEEEEEE !!! Also mf pedo has the audacity to smirk?? When he hurt our boy?? death. He. Needs. To. Die.
Awwwh it’s so soft and sweet. The characters are so pretty. Can’t wait for the sadness and drama tho :(((
I kinda ship Yuri and Melissa since all men (except our babie Nine) are creeps and weirdos
Man i was happily enjoying the manga, then I see that sad art of Lan Zhan and now im a sobbing mess
I totally get you. Why do thay have to put it in the end??? It was ending really well and now look, I can't hold back my tears.
Awwwh my cute babies :))
man every chapter hurts my kokoro ouchie ouchie. Tho that Gym teacher?? Damnnnnnnnn ;)
Hahahha wait what if Sensei takes the lead during sex too?? What if he decides to Top??!!
Please let it be soooo
Wth this bitch better not have hurt Jasper in the past. Wth wth wth wth
I'm sorry I meant to upvote ♀
its okie :)
Aish Hamin you idiot. Can you not be more gentle with our babie. It hurt to see him sad :( he better hug the hell out of him
i love Miley