The hatred towards the saintess feels entirely unwarranted, IMHO. Some people seem to hate purely for the sake of it. Admittedly, her having survival instincts of a deer can be somewhat exasperating, but one must remember she’s still just a child. In contrast, Vikir is a fully grown man with ample experience in dealing with demons and the like. It’s also worth remembering that the older/prime saintess was significantly stronger than pre-resurrection adult Vikir (though I’m certain he'll eventually far surpass his former self), suggesting she’ll mature, grow wiser and learn from her mistakes in due course. Overall, I thought the chapter was fairly decent 7.5/10.
Damn I got baited hard by chp 99 up to 208. I genuinely thought they were new chapters, but it turns out they're just re-uploads of previous chapters. Man, why do us like that...