If y'all really liked this wholesome story, and just saw it updated with ch. 6... DON'T READ IT! The author ruined the vibe by doing too much...
But seriously, how are you going to take a great story about found family with such a sweet and loving couple and their cute son and introduce some random guy perpetuating toxic masculinity by saying the leopard isn't a real man bc he respects his partner's boundaries, and have them have an open relationship with him out of NOWHERE?!?! (Nothing against open relationships, but there was no indication throughout the story that the couple were interested in one???? Not to mention that the sergeant is an asshole...) Whole chapter was so unnecessary, and I really thought we were going to get an extra ch. about their family life but NOPE... just nonsense

I really like this comic, the storytelling was great.... but, am I the only one who felt that this was incomplete? Like we kinda disregarded a bunch of other characters (and their stories). And I feel like there were a lot of unnecessary stuff (*cough* *cough* and couple) in this story.... I still like this comic though, I just wanted to point that out.
After I watched the anime, which I loved, I immediately went to read the manga! I love the og trio and the eccentric side characters, and I felt that the humor carried throughout the manga. However, I wasn't a fan of how much the og trio were getting sidelined near the end. I noticed in the last 60 or so chapters, the newspaper club were in almost every chapter. I didn't mind in the beginning but it was starting to bother me in how much they were featured compared to other more notable side characters, and to be honest, and don't really find them that interesting (at least not to the point where I want to read every chapter they're involved in). Then once the art club started to get heavily featured, the author lost me lol. I especially didn't care for the art and newspapers clubs' interactions bc I felt like I was reading a whole other story (I just started to skip chapters that didn't have the main trio feature at that point). And I think this is just a personal thing, but the art club is a little too weird for me . Again, I wouldn't have minded them if they weren't so heavily featured, especially near the end. I still like these characters, but I think they're better in small doses for this manga. It kinda sucks how the main attraction to this manga, the main trio, wasn't in it much for like the last 10 chapters and that some storylines weren't really wrapped up, which made the ending felt rush and less heartfelt. It really felt like the author was ready to move on to the next thing, but regardless, I adore this manga overall and I'm gonna miss my chaotic queens! :')