This is a short summary between the brothers if any of you need more context about them as I have read the raws and some of novel reviews. Their mom had an affair with her husband’s father (Juin’s uncle/Juyul’s father) and had Juyul. She still stayed with Juin’s father but Juyul started to read thoughts and told his dad if he know the name which I forget of their uncle and the dad told him where did he learn of that name and he said their mother. Their dad then believed that both of his kids are not his and abused them badly including his wife. Their mom hated Juyul b/c in her mind this is all Juyul’s fault and shows more affection towards Juin and ignores Juyul. Juin gave brotherly love towards Juyul which Juyul confused it as actual love b/c it was something his parents were not giving him. Before he would be sent to the mental hospital he confessed to Juin that he loved him and to run away together but Juin refused and said he was confusing that love. Juyul then asked during that time which is a year he is in the mental hospital to decide if he will love him back or not. The reader can only assume that Juin said no and Juyul couldn’t accept that. The parents find out and save Juin, but what’s fucked up is the father blames Juin for not defending himself as he is the eldest and was gonna beat him but Juyul protected him and called out his parents for the shitty parenting. The father then decided to put both at them at the hospital but Juin was saved b/c his he was sent to the hospital for his injuiries and Juyul with his parents to mental hospital, but were in an accident which both the parents died and Juyul disappeared until now.
Context/summary about the brothers past