I have the feeling that Sejin got shot and lost his memory. Now Ido is trying to remake the relationship the right way. The big reveal is gonna be him getting all his memories back.
I wonder if his brother is the one who shot him and that's why he has disappeared? Hmm, so many questions lol. But this is taking a while. Still, I'm invested.

This is their second life,.sejin killed himself due to stress, trauma, and everything. He was raped by the brother and because of that (Ido thought that it was consensual at first) Ido treated him harshly, Sejin then became pregnant but Ido is not sure if its his child so, yeah. He later on regretted how he treated sejin but its too late since sejin killed himself in front of Ido.

I hate the fake BDSM where the bottom/sub wasn't really prepared for anything actually happening and then the supposed sadist/top feels the need to comfort and hold them even though nothing actually happened.
Bro literally got stimulated with the world's tiniest dildo and somehow after not even almost passing out from very light handling, ends the chapter being hugged like the top is sorry

Mmmm yeah no. If I remember correctly, the Dom w/ experience didn't teach his Sub what a safe word is and failed to establish safety for his Sub. The Dom felt like he lost control when he choked him, that's why he wanted to comfort his Sub. Not saying the Sub didn't know about it, but to place blame solely on the Sub makes you unsafe as a Dom. :)

I agree. I think there is more criticism for the Dom here than the sub. The first play is supposed to be after choosing a safe word, and then practicing using the safe word. This is to make certain that it becomes second nature to your sub.
The Dom should have a list of yes, no, and maybe plays from the sub, as that is how it would be done in a contract setting.
If a Dom must always check in with their sub during play, so they can steer the play in the correct direction. At the end of the session, the Dom is responsible for providing after play care, to help sooth the sub down from the experience. The same care is to be given when a Dom goes too far. Their job is to take responsibility.
There is nothing abnormal about a sadist Dom getting off on the idea of causing pain, but there is something wrong if they do so without the consent of the sub/partner.
From experience, there are people who get off on large insertion, even when it hurts, or specifically because it hurts. A doms role there is to prevent injury by controlling the speed and lubrication.
And last but certainly not least, not every Dom is qualified for every type of play. Many doms learn from a senior Dom in a community, and from there, it is up to the Dom in training to seek out a more qualified Dom to learn from.
Basically, the Dom is responsible from providing play and care, and is the person responsible if anything goes wrong during play. Their job is to make sure they have everything they need for things to be safe. The way the Dom reacted in the last chapter is actually how I have seen a doms react when something goes wrong play wise. One wrong move could, no joke, cost a person their life. Especially with strangulation play.
A subs job is to listen and obey. There is punishment for disobeying for a reason. They need to know their safewords, and be able to vocalize them immediately when something is wrong. They need to be sure to give their Dom every chance to succeed in play, by giving them detailed information. The Dom needs to know if you have any health issues, what play you are ok with, what you will not do, and what you want to try out. The Dom will preform a pain test, usually on your arm, so the sub can tell them how hard they can hit.
The interactions in this series are complicated, as Dom/sub vs partner relationships are different. Partner relationships are typically more fluid, and your partners generally know you more than anyone else. So many have a verbal agreement and safewords, rather than an actual contract. Dom sub relationships should always have a written and signed contract, that gets updated as the subs needs and wants change, or if the Dom decides they can't or don't want to preform certain plays anymore. I think this has started as a partner relationship first, but the Dom should have known better than not at least coming up with a safeword and getting an idea of the subs fantasies before starting.
If you don't know enough about how this play actually works, you should try to learn more about it from the actual community itself.

You would not believe what I had to go through to learn this stuff. Turns out, that a man who wants you to break off the relationship instead of ending it themselves will do just about anything to put you off, including him wanting to be a Dom and have subs, even if you as the partner aren't comfortable, and without him doing any research as to how it works. One extra hyperfixation on Dom sub relationships, and talking with professional doms later, and I seem to know more than the man I dumped. Lol

But you don't seem to know that the response the Dom had to not checking in with his sub was the appropriate response? Him choaking without preparation and freaking out afterwards is appropriate. You should already be aware that when you break trust as a Dom, you should be profusely apologetic and then see if your sub is willing to allow you to rebuild that trust. Yet somehow, your original statement says that the sub made a big deal out of nothing? Choking play can fucking kill people if done incorrectly! The Dom here failed to pay proper attention to his sub, and it could have ended a life if he hadn't caught himself.
Also, if you have had years of experience, that experience means jack fuck all if you have been doing it wrong the whole time. You should know concent is key in the community, and that any deviation from concent is either abuse or rape. You should know better.
But I don't hate the story..
How is the art ugly
Is thus ragebait
The art wut?
No, i just don't find it appealing. I'll still read it though, but I don't like any of the faces or expressions.
Guess I won't understand you..
really? im honestly the complete opposite to you! i love the artstyle and im practically only reading this for it LOL
Wtfff???! I'm reading it because the art I'd AWESOME
I mean, that's understandable, I personality like the rendering of the expression but I can admit they do go overboard but to me it's just one of the positives
Guys it was a ragebait
No it wasn't, it's my opinion. We don't all have to have the same opinions. Get a grip
Is this a genuine opinion or are u baiting?
If it's genuine, then damn I think you're the only , and if it's baiting, then preach because this is pretty much a slopfest
Genuine opinion. I keep reading because I like the story, but I like the art styles of things like Dangerous Convenience Store or Jinx more in full color. This just feels really busy and kinda messy. I don't like the faces at all. It's a preference...eye of the beholder and all that.
BYE WHAT?! I legit only read ts because of the artstyle and the top's facial expressions. I can't believe u