I’m so over this manga. How long is this gonna take to finally have its happy ending. People have been waiting years and decades, I myself have been waiting for 10+ years and still not finished. I’m not that desperate but god damn… I’m this close to losing interest in this. Like we only see one development every few years and it’s like “oh they kissed” “oh they finally got out together” like come on be fr

I'm the same as you. Read this eons ago and the senpai is still harping on the same tsundere shit. I understand he's a homophobe who was essentially raped but at least make up your damn mind. Author should decide if he gets with it or dumps Morinaga's ass, don't coast the fence - it's already vol 14 jfc.
It’s not bad but it’s not great. I felt like it was missing something. It had potential but didn’t quite get there. It’s not worth reading but if you already started might as well finish it’s not bad. Idk I was excited in the beginning but then I just wanted to find out how it gonna end. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Also, really like Chris kinda a bummer she didn’t end up with him. And tbh Jinsu is the plainest ml I have ever read.
I read this when it first came out then I dropped it, but once I saw it was completed I decided I'd reread and finish since I wanted to know the ending. But you're right I really don't like Jinsu, Chris is better. He's shady, but he's still better