Acarlered April 30, 2024 3:53 am

NOoO dont the baby gastone.. poor child just trying to help..

Acarlered April 29, 2024 2:50 pm

So MaoMao is a cat and her dad is a fox, both mischievious and curious. But what animal would her mother be? All i can think of is a snake but i could be wrong with the vibes there

    Someone Somewhere April 29, 2024 2:59 pm

    Id rather go with some kind of bird for her tbh. Graceful and smart. Maybe a preditor bird but honestly she didnt seem like a bad person (before she went insane) maybe just a bit snobbish.

    Aigoo April 29, 2024 4:29 pm
    Id rather go with some kind of bird for her tbh. Graceful and smart. Maybe a preditor bird but honestly she didnt seem like a bad person (before she went insane) maybe just a bit snobbish. Someone Somewhere

    The only bird i can think of is peacock (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Mabye eagle?

    WarriorNun April 29, 2024 7:50 pm

    If Maomao's mother was a bird, a phoenix would be appropriate. Or rather Feng Huang, the Chinese equivalent of the phoenix

    ange April 29, 2024 10:42 pm

    Maybe a minx, ferret, coyote or maybe a wolf?

    levipleasecallmeback May 1, 2024 6:25 am

    imo, a lynx! this is from a symbolism blog: “they’re very reserved and private, preferring to keep to themselves rather than socialize with others. they’re intelligent and logical, consistently using intellect to outsmart enemies and solve problems” and from wiki they’re known as the keeper of secrets and have supernatural eyesight

    thinking of how elusive she was as a sex worker plus her intellect, it fits. her wit with games could be considered her “supernatural eyesight” and it’s hinted that she planned her pregnancy with dad from right from their first conception. considering maomaos traits and what she adopted from them it makes sense

Acarlered April 12, 2024 2:02 pm

First of all, get the girls a goddamn strap-on

Second, Husband.. get it already your wife is fucking your neighbor -.- and she is doing a good job of it

    TENYN April 13, 2024 3:34 am

    No freckin strapon

    Rissa08 April 13, 2024 9:24 am

    No offense, but did you read all of the chapters and know the tag of this story? Im not against strap-on but why do they need it? One more thing, do you have "Y" chromosome? If yes. Well that is "WHY".

    Acarlered April 13, 2024 9:41 am
    No offense, but did you read all of the chapters and know the tag of this story? Im not against strap-on but why do they need it? One more thing, do you have "Y" chromosome? If yes. Well that is "WHY". Rissa08

    Yes i read all the chapters and knows that this is a GL/yuri manhwa. I am a woman and a lesbian so i know one thing or two about these things, Strap-ons is fun thing to add during sex, thats all

    VRH April 13, 2024 10:00 am

    YOU GET IT!!! Let’s get some strap action please!

    VRH April 13, 2024 10:03 am
    No offense, but did you read all of the chapters and know the tag of this story? Im not against strap-on but why do they need it? One more thing, do you have "Y" chromosome? If yes. Well that is "WHY". Rissa08

    Imma be real with you, you made 0 sense and you sound crazy. No ones saying it’s needed and why the hell would you ask someone if they have a Y chromosome?? Why are there so many of you that don’t know that lesbians use straps all the time, it’s been a common sex play for a while

    TENYN April 13, 2024 11:12 am
    Yes i read all the chapters and knows that this is a GL/yuri manhwa. I am a woman and a lesbian so i know one thing or two about these things, Strap-ons is fun thing to add during sex, thats all Acarlered

    Girl fuck off go throw your strapon into a river....not all lesbians use that please shut up with the strapon already

    TENYN April 13, 2024 11:14 am
    Imma be real with you, you made 0 sense and you sound crazy. No ones saying it’s needed and why the hell would you ask someone if they have a Y chromosome?? Why are there so many of you that don’t know that... VRH

    NO....stop lieing all lesbians DO NOT use strapons all the time most of us DO NOT because we prefer to use our bodies skin to skin so girl bye...

    Rissa08 April 14, 2024 9:39 am

    Oops. I dont mean offend anyone. Im not against strap on as I said earlier. I just dont see the need of that thing on that scene. And going back to the story, kindly remember Jin Joo dont have a good memory with the real "dick". She only felt pain and disappointment because she feels like shes not enough. I think using an imitation dick will not make her enjoy the jugjugan (sex) more. For me, that scene is perfect. Skin to skin contact looks so erotic and they are so into each other while doing the deed. Its kinda romantic for me (even though they are cheating). Andddd i will say it again. Im not against strap on!!!! If you like it, then use it. And Im sorry if assume someone's gender. My bad. And i dont hate dicks, I just dont like them that much. However, sometimes I think its maybe cool if I have one? HAHAHAHAHA CHILL GUYS. ENJOY READING.

    Yukon April 14, 2024 6:43 pm
    NO....stop lieing all lesbians DO NOT use strapons all the time most of us DO NOT because we prefer to use our bodies skin to skin so girl bye... TENYN

    That is using your body, you’re just adding an extension what’s wrong with that, it’s hot. Like good for you? You would be surprised to find this out but imma tell you a secret …people like different things. Lesbians do not all do the same thing, Ex. I like strap on action it’s hot, and you don’t. Crazy how we like different things right?

    TENYN April 15, 2024 4:57 pm
    Oops. I dont mean offend anyone. Im not against strap on as I said earlier. I just dont see the need of that thing on that scene. And going back to the story, kindly remember Jin Joo dont have a good memory wit... Rissa08

    Good comment....mostly bisexuals like being strapped more than lesbians and so more actual lesbians kike skin to skin because it's more intimate and that's also why Jinjoo actually gets wet and enjoys sex with Doyeon...she said it herself noone not even her husband made her feel how she feels during sex as sh does with Doyeon...BIG FACTS...100%

    TENYN April 15, 2024 5:02 pm
    That is using your body, you’re just adding an extension what’s wrong with that, it’s hot. Like good for you? You would be surprised to find this out but imma tell you a secret …people like different th... Yukon

    Dude the fact is mostly bisexuals like being straped and fem lesbians but more real lesbians rather skin to skin....and mind you i'm not saying that those who like using and receiving straps that it's bad i'm saying skin to skin is more intimate and a strapon is not an extension of no one it's just a sex toy...

    Acarlered April 15, 2024 6:38 pm
    Dude the fact is mostly bisexuals like being straped and fem lesbians but more real lesbians rather skin to skin....and mind you i'm not saying that those who like using and receiving straps that it's bad i'm s... TENYN

    first of all, wtf is a "real" lesbian?

    It seems like you are not getting it? Yes a strap-on is a sextoy but it extends ones body to reach further inside someone. Yeah being skin to skin may be more intimate but its sex?? its already intimate?? doesnt matter if its a one night stand or not, its an intimate act

    Also didnt Jinju say that mostly because her husband was bad at sex? like he didnt really care about her pleasure at all and now when she is with doyeon, a person who is making sure she is 100% turned on by the actions, ofc shes gonna feel icky and disturbed by her husbands touch (besides the reason that he left her and shit..)

    TENYN April 16, 2024 1:09 pm
    first of all, wtf is a "real" lesbian? It seems like you are not getting it? Yes a strap-on is a sextoy but it extends ones body to reach further inside someone. Yeah being skin to skin may be more intimate but... Acarlered

    Are you 12....dude a sex toy is a sex toy and not an extension of oneself as you say it is

    Plague April 17, 2024 6:08 am
    Are you 12....dude a sex toy is a sex toy and not an extension of oneself as you say it is TENYN

    Right it's a sex toy so what would be so wrong with them using one? I think you're being a bit dramatic with this whole "real lesbians like more intimate sex" because I'm sure anyone of any sexuality likes intimate sex the same way that anyone of any sexuality can enjoy a sex toy, stop being mad at people who want smutty sh*t in comics with smut in them lol

    TENYN April 17, 2024 6:26 am

    Mad you say yeah right as if...anyway stop being an ass and understand that there are real lesbians reading this and DO NOT WANT NO FUCKING STRAPON in the story...Jinjoo had enough dick and she hates it,she doesn't get wet and it hurts her during sex and yet you want her to be strapped and like her husband and maybe others who didn't card if it hurt or or if she even had an have to be a MAN because you think like one so FUCK OFF

    TENYN April 17, 2024 6:35 am

    The thing is with assholes like you who read yuri and just want smutty sex scenes is that you don't care about the character and what they are going through or even try to understand the story the author is trying to tell...all you want is to see smutty sex scenes that reflect your own desires and so why don't you go get someone to strap you and please yourself and not ruin the story for the rest of us who is fine with the lesbian sex...the real way lesbian sex is performed between real lesbians which is how yuri is really written and go read heterosexual or yaoi and spare us all your dumb ass desire for a story you have no hand in writing so the rest of us can enjoy reading it in peace.

    Plague April 17, 2024 6:47 am
    The thing is with assholes like you who read yuri and just want smutty sex scenes is that you don't care about the character and what they are going through or even try to understand the story the author is try... TENYN

    Wow girl I mean wow, did you meet someone in your life that made you this way? Look I don't know what exactly your whole deal is but you blowing shit way out of proportion and I'm gonna tell you as a GAY WOMEN (because for some reason you like to assume who I must be all because I think using sex toys is fun) that you're being fucking crazy rn, I really don't know why it makes you so upset that other gay women also have an interest In using sex toys because 1 who fucking cares and 2 these people don't owe you shit for liking what they like your acting as if they add a strap on scene you might lose your fucking lesbianism chill tf out if you really wanted to read in peace you wouldn't have said anything in the first fucking place. I have nothing more to say just hopefully one day you get a great orgasm from a sex toy and stop being so bitter ♡

    TENYN April 17, 2024 2:07 pm
    Wow girl I mean wow, did you meet someone in your life that made you this way? Look I don't know what exactly your whole deal is but you blowing shit way out of proportion and I'm gonna tell you as a GAY WOMEN ... Plague

    You read what i wrote and didn't understand nothing...are you dumb or slow

    Plague April 17, 2024 4:14 pm
    You read what i wrote and didn't understand nothing...are you dumb or slow TENYN

    No I definitely read it and I still think you're blowing shit way out of proportion, at the end of the day I never said that I wanted anything from this story, I think it's perfect the way it is and youre right theres a complex relationship between these two women that other people wouldn't understand but girl be fr even if I did want to see a strap on scene I wouldn't fucking ask it in the comment section of an illegal website, they don't read this shit, the authors have no idea about your bitching in this comment section and they never will. don't worry boo you're story is probably not gonna change lol

    TENYN April 17, 2024 10:37 pm
    No I definitely read it and I still think you're blowing shit way out of proportion, at the end of the day I never said that I wanted anything from this story, I think it's perfect the way it is and youre right... Plague

    It's going well yes it is...i bet you are not the type to read yuri without sex scenes...try reading Sunshine&Bright stars,no sex in it at all but i read it and still think of it as a favourite of mine...

Acarlered April 10, 2024 10:36 am

Huh the artstyle changed again, i like it but it looks softer with the lines and colors

Acarlered April 2, 2024 9:10 am

we are getting alot of side stories, now i want one side story about their kid Alex as an adult

Also Lucy's body did her a service of not getting pregnant, besides the obvious beatings she has gotten, i think her body was rejecting him since that happens irl too when the body doesnt like the partner

    B00 April 2, 2024 8:22 pm

    OMG THIS would make SM senseeee

Acarlered March 12, 2024 3:14 pm

I just volume 7 and 9 of the manga in the mail and i get an update the same day?? also 5 days!!?? im so happy right now

Acarlered March 7, 2024 11:31 pm

wtf they used the swedish word for frog for the frog monster? Thats a bit lazy imo, could have been a more creative name

    AXCEL March 7, 2024 11:39 pm

    For someone like me who doesn't know a thing sbout swedish language, it sure sounds interesting tho!

Acarlered March 1, 2024 4:06 pm

Not to be a perv but i do wonder if they are gonna have sex? Since they are a couple and have tension between them. Obviously its not gonna be hentai/smut level but IF/ONCE it happens, are they gonna do it like in the manga horimiya, where they kiss and they lean back in the bed and it fades to black or something else? Like they are teenagers so ofcourse the hormons and stuff are going wild

Its just a question that i have

    Yuushana March 1, 2024 9:35 pm

    Bro thinks kissing her is bold and we barely got this after 100 chapters I don’t think we’ll ever see that part of their relationship lol

Acarlered February 18, 2024 4:50 pm

Fuck bitch Calion, i hope your wound gets infected and you die a horrible death!

AAA he's still alive ╥﹏╥ i want my babies to see their babies!! LET ME SEE THE CUTE BABY PLEASE

Acarlered January 14, 2024 1:24 pm

God Theo's mother is hot! but i do wonder how Theo's dad? looks like? Since he obviously didn't get his purple eye's from his mom and she has green eyes. I also wonder how tall all the character's are? Theo's mom looks pretty tall, like 180cm or something

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