uncyaoi followed a goer

where’s the dark haired ukes with glasses that are on the student council

10 12,2024
uncyaoi followed a goer

theres not enough cannibalism on here @kysgigaPLS on twitter

10 12,2024
uncyaoi followed a goer

♂ he/him | queer | shotainspector on twt

10 12,2024
uncyaoi created a topic of Kamiya
uncyaoi followed a goer

I love rape. I adore rape. I live for rape. When a BL has a rapist main character, it's an automatic 10/10, a 5-star story, and it's even better if they're a brutal, unrelenting, unapologetic rapist. A man that takes when he wants it. A strong seme who grips the uke until he's red and just laughs when he's told he's being too rough. Rape in yaoi is an honored, sanctified tradition. BL without rape is like an angel without its wings, a flower without soil, a mother without her child. Taking rape away from yaoi is a disgusting, perverted act. It's akin to taking away a chick from its nest. It's cultural to us fujoshi. Yaoi rape culture. It's real. It's valuable. And it should be protected. #IStandWithYaoiRape

Women write gay romances far better than the average gay male author. Fetishization is superior to "representation."

The common sentiment of "yaoi is problematic" is deeply rooted in blatant Hitler rhetoric. A lot of y'all are Nazi's. DNI + KYS if you're "anti-fujo." You hate minorities.

I am a gay man. A "male fujoshi," not fudanshi. Because I'm a feminist.

I exclusively read BL. 

Everyone who tries to argue with me is morally corrupt and should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

Twitter @YA0IRAPE

10 08,2024
uncyaoi created a topic of Love in Orbit

no gabin sacha side story i’m blowing my brains out

uncyaoi created a topic of Time's Up
uncyaoi created a topic of High School Boy

bruh can y’all FUCK already jesus christ

uncyaoi created a topic of Love in Orbit

sacha and gabin side stories please i beg

uncyaoi created a topic of Love in Orbit
uncyaoi created a topic of Dear Teddy Bear

this is like the one time where i really am rooting for the second lead god damn THIS MF IS SO ANNOYING

uncyaoi created a topic of Boy's Abyss
uncyaoi created a topic of High School Boy

that sisters brother complex rivals even aki sora levels

uncyaoi created a topic of Love Remedy

your telling me NOBODY had doubts abt him being an alpha…..alright

uncyaoi created a topic of Love Sick Dog
uncyaoi created a topic of Wet Sand

ian’s hole is literally flapping in the wind at this point jesus christ

uncyaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

now why the hell are personal friendships against guild rules

uncyaoi created a topic of Minato Shoji Koinrandori

oh that was a insane cliffhanger to leave off on