Well, I'll break your Qs into parts based on my interpretation. 1. "does girls like gays" ? -Homophobic girls don't. -Fujoshis are out of question. They definitely do like 'gays'. -Other open minded girls won't care about your sexuality. The conclusion that arrives is that so long as you can judge whether a girl is out of the three categories a......
Well, can't say about everyone's perspective, but most of the girls do not care about others gender, and plus they are supportive, your d**k size should not matter to them, but remember one thing that if they ask you about it and you feel uncomfortable then stop being friends, with them it's creepy ,ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノlife is full of surprises you......

God this story feels like moving towards that black hair dudes wild sex fetishes? Wow hahaha can't sleep now.
Hi guys, does girls likes gays and can be friends with gays without judging...