Lol oldxian saying they were 19 y/o but some ppl dont believe its lol..so u guys think school in china were same like u guys..we end at 19 years for some school..but for my school end at 18..and some proof remember jian yi said it will be their last show in school and they will be graduated ..so it look like the are senior
..and senior in china school was freakin 19..dear lorddd (︶︿︶)=凸
honey, you're missing the point. that is an image of jian yi in 'the future'. I feel like you may be forgetting but thats also why there are 'special chapters' of the boys in the future when they are older. you're the only one who seems confused here. the author often draws illustrations of them older sometimes. for example, here's another one here as well she wrote in the caption 'jian yi grown up'. https://weibo.com/1862364383/GBaIGqQZ7?type=comment#_rnd1604032325109
it's also how we know the couples are confirmed canon endgame in the future later.
what we are reading right now are there middle school days. their last year of middle school to be more specific. they are 15 as of the moment as that is the age of teens in their last year of middle school in china are. thats why jian yi was talking about 'graduating' bc he meant graduating from middle school. in the entire beginning of this story, it is explained by zhan zheng xi in the future that jian yi disappears in the second day of high school and doesn't come back until he is in college. we are reading of the day leading up to his eventual disappearance. if we were truly reading their high school days, we would not be seeing jian yi right now. jian yi ends up repeating high school when he goes back which is mentioned by jian yi in the beginning of the story and mentioned again by jian yi in a christmas special of the boys in the future http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/19_days/bt/manga/19_days/c224/pg-12/ it's a bit ironic that you're getting angry at people especially when you clearly know nothing about china's education system. I don't think you should be putting up the middle finger emoticon to people over something you shouldn't be angry over in the first place.
One thing to remember is they are not and cannot be high schoolers without a massive plot hole happening. For them to be in HS Jian Yi can’t be in the picture.
Jian Yi disappears on the very first day of HS and he does not return until after Zhan has already moved out and is in college. Wherever he was he did not get to even complete his HS education and as an adult has to play catch up.
Zhan still lives with his mother as does Mo. Older Zhan we can see plainly lives alone and again so does Mo. Older Jian Yi is very bold, drinks, and smokes-current Jian Yi does not.
If you read everything from beginning to end in one go the clues are very obvious and not confusing at all. It’s a fast read because of the chapter length so I recommend it to everyone who isn’t sure.
I hope the anime fandom dont ruined this masterpiece..
How would they ruin it?