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Arae August 18, 2019 7:21 pm

Hello everyone! So I noticed the epilogue has not been translated to english on lezhin and I had read the Spanish translation, so I decided to translate it to English for y’all! Keep in mind it’s been translated twice (Korean to Spanish to English) so it’s not an exact translation. All mistakes are my own and I apologize. Enjoy!

*indicates panel/drawing description or sfx
**indicates my thoughts/ input
Character name: “dialogue”


Hello Mingwa here the creator of BJ Alex!
It has finally come to an end

*Mingwa clapping and blowing a party blower
*sfx: buhh applause

I thought I wouldn’t finish it but I finally did it

* drawing of mingwa crying

Thank you for having come this far

It was 86 chapters from the 25th of November of 2017 until the 6th of July of 2019.

Being honest, I can’t believe it has finished

Alex will always be an unforgettable series for me

Doing this work was difficult and fun, because I suffered, but I also received a lot of love.

It was especially difficult working on this series and maintaining my health at the same time.

The schedule for 2019 was complicated because I was very busy with my job. It was so bad that I nearly abandoned this project. It was quite difficult doing a series, and always having to deliver it in a certain time.

Of course there were many good things too!

Above all things, all the love the readers always gave me.

Thanks to you I have been able to complete so much (like being number 1 with BJ Alex) and I never would have imagined this life.

*drawing of Mingwa crying
*Mingwa: “I was never number 1 in high school”
*sfx: excited

To do this epilogue, I tried to read the entire series, something I had never done until now. (It was so hard)

*drawing of mingwa shocked
*sfx: kyaaaa

While I was reading I discovered some things.

I was able to see the pros and cons of my manhwa and see what “BJ Alex” looks like from the reader's perspective and I learned a lot from that.

Being honest, I prefer the story after the fight, than before it. There in particular many people thought that the situation was like eating hundreds of sweet potatoes lol
**she’s referring to how sweet their relationship was after the fight lol

Actually, it was a pleasure seeing how these sweet potatoes continued their journey, waiting for everything to finally explode! I think it was an essential scene for the development of the story.

*drawing of DG and jiwon as sweet potatoes
*sfx: hot hot

And then when Jiwon and Donggyun started dating, they completed each other’s weaknesses. It seems that in that moment their character design became perfect.

*panel of when jiwon confesses to dg

First of all, there’s something everyone completely ignores about the drawings of Donggyun and Jiwon.

At the beginning: something beautiful like other manhwas.
*panel of dg and jiwon first meeting

Stable period: the drawings begins to settle. It’s worth watching!
*panel of dg blushing and jiwon with glasses

Halfway: what the hell happened here!? I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t realize that in this moment they were getting fat!
*panel of dg very serious and jiwon shocked
**lol she’s referring to their faces being wider than normal

Transition: I discovered the problem and we started a diet. They still look weird.
*panel of dg in his work uniform and jiwon looking serious

Later: After several rough sketches of their faces, they somewhat recovered. Diet successful!
*panel of Dg confused and Jiwon on the phone

(Myungdae and chanwoo didn’t change much throughout the story)

I thought it was inevitable that the series changes a little, but I never thought it would be so dynamic.

Next time I would like to show you a stable story and drawings.

Anyway, when I started drawing manhwas my goal was to create < a fun story, easy to read and to finish it>

I think ease of reading is an important factor, so I tried to prioritize that.

I asked myself what would you think of that point in particular

*drawing of mingwa with phone
*sfx: scrolling down

Now that this is done I will try to unravel all of the behind the scenes.

It’s a chapter filled with spoilers which also includes info of the final chapter, so please read the story completely first ^^

Spoiler alert!

*panel of Dg
*Dg: “Ah!”

A historic first image of the two! This was the first drawing of the story that I worked on. Also, Jiwon’s broadcasting scene and the scene where Donggyun imagines him were moments in which I put a lot of emphasis on.

*panel when jiwon and dg first met
*Jiwon: “Nice to meet you. I’m the school president, Ahn Jiwon”

The first images of jiwon were of someone who was extremely enthusiastic, with a firm and pleasant personality. Something that gradually becomes more and more colder. Meanwhile for Donggyun’s hairstyle I thought of something silly and cute.

*panel of Dg meeting asshole (can't remember his name and too lazy to search for it)
*Asshole: “Fuck. Why am I stuck sitting next to this dude? Hey you, what’s your name?”
*DG: “Nam DongGyun, I’m a student from class 13”
*Asshole: “Have you done your military service?”
*DG: “Yes, I have”
** apparently in the english translation of the manhwa dg doesn’t specifically say he’s a student from class 13, instead he just says he’s a returning student but in the spanish and korean epilogue there is a 13 in the paragraph so idk...

I really regret this part because there was an ambiguity in the story by putting “ student from class 13” that's why later throughout the manhwa i simply referred the names of schools and classes as XX

*panel of the shirt Dg lent to Jiwon (the one with the dog image)
*Jiwon: “....”
*Mingwa: maru (maltes) personality: super cute

This T shirt that Jiwon had to use for the first time, has the image of the adorable Maru, my partners dog.

He’s the best and cutest Maltes he’s ever had. So now Maru has become mine too.

*panel of Dg’s parent telling him porn is prohibited

In the storyline that I had written originally, Dg was meant to deal with his past at a younger age.

It was going to be a dark past, similar to Jiwon’s

Jiwon’s past became longer and more bleak than I would've thought, so I changed everything so the tone of the story wouldn’t become so dark and dense

Although Dg’s past is not that bright, it's not so sad that it would weigh heavily on the manhwa

*panel of jiwon broadcasting putting on straight porn
*Jiwon’s thinking: “I’ll leave this”

Jiwon is, to be specific, bisexual.

He was attracted to women up until high school. Then after dating Huimin, he felt more attracted to men.

Whatever porn Jiwon watches, he certainly reacts more to gay porn.

For reference here are the sexual orientations of the characters:
DongGyun: Homosexual
Jiwon: Bisexual (with preference towards men)
MyungDae: homosexual
ChanWoo: homosexual

*panel of Dg blushing
*sfx: thump thump thump

Donggyun’s hairstyle here is so cute.

*panel of jiwon and dg in the bed about to have sex, jiwon reaching over to turn off the lamp
*sfx: thump thump

I love the atmosphere in this scene!

*panel of Jiwon hugging dg (in the student council room)
*Jiwon: “I want to do it”

At first Jiwon appears to be someone entirely selfish. He only thinks of himself. The most important thing was how he could benefit from others. Regardless of who they were

Actually, the scene where they do it in the student council room, I had planned it to take place in a restroom lol

But in the end I changed it because it didn’t fit Jiwon’s personality to do it there.

*penel of jiwon and dg in the car
*Jiwon: “You’re here”
*Dg: “Yes, sunbae. Have you eaten?”
*Jiwon: “No, not yet. Let’s eat somewhere”
*Dg: “Okay”

They didn’t eat anything

*panel of Jiwon putting in the code to open the door holding up his hand to Dg
*Dg: “Sunbae?
*Jiwon: “Hey wait out here for a sec!”
*panel of Jiwon opening the door short of breath/panting
*Jiwon: “You can come in now”
*Dg: “Okay” --thinking--looks like he was cleaning

This scene!

I received many questions about this scene because it seemed like he was hiding something, but it was like donggyun thought, jiwon hadn’t cleaned his house.

At first I thought of showing jiwons need for affection

With nothing less than a

“Cuddle pillow”

And that scene was for hiding that pillow!

My plan was for donggyun to find the pillow jiwon slept with.

It was a nice idea but in the end I didn't manage my time properly and I had to take it out because I couldn't draw it.

So that scene is simply where he had to clean a house that was super dirty

Now that I think about, I think it’s a good thing that I didn't add that. I had thought of that when the tone of the story was brighter but now that the second part of the story became more serious and complicated, i feel like that detail wouldn’t have matched Jiwon’s personality.

If that had happened, this scene would have been included

*scene of jiwon asleep cuddling his pillow, dg shocked and blushing
*two days before the fight
*mingwa: “what do you think”
*jiwon blushing: “I hate it!!!”

*panel of jiwon mad and blushing pointing at MD
*MD: “that temper of yours hasn’t changed. But jiwon, why don’t you call me “hyung?” Before when you were drunk... ”
Jiwon: “Aghh! Don’t talk about that night!”
MD: “hahaha”

*panel of jiwon sitting, lighting up his cigarette with alcohol bottles in the background
*Jiwon: “No, we’re not close. I made a mistake after going to drink with him. That’s why he pretends to be my friend ‘casue he has something on me”

*panel of MD talking to DG
*MD: “He called me hyung, I'm not joking lol”
*DG: “?!”

Many also asked me about what happened that night jiwon and myungdae drank together.

That night jiwon drank too much and began to act violent towards myungdae, when he managed to restrained him, he told jiwon he would only let him go if he calls him hyung. That’s why myungdae takes care of jiwon.

(Even though jiwon is very clingy with donggyun when he’s drunk, luckily that didn’t happen with myungdae)

As a result of that/ with that in mind myungdae treats jiwon like a cute little brother that likes to annoy him by reminding him of that dark past. Since that day they have a friendly relationship like that of a cat and a dog
**i wonder who would be the cat and who would be the dog...Jiwon would probably be the dog and md the cat lol

*panel of a close up of jiwon’s blushing face
*Jiwon’s thoughts: “my dick is much better than that bastard’s toys”

This phrase has two meanings.
Mine is much better than those adult toys
Sex with me is much better than that dominating shit of MD

I love that phrase

*panel of huimin’s back waving
*Huimin: “well I’m leaving, I had fun”

You guys have wondered, is huimin somewhere living at the expense of others?

Of course he is. After he broke up with jiwon, all communication between him and jihoon (jiwon’s older brother) ended.

*colored panel of jiwon touching the top of his head, crying
*Jiwon: “yes...I love you.”

I was really worried that those 3 flashbacks (showing their past) would have been too much, but I think it turned out good and I liked it.
My friend even cried out of anger at reading them and that made me feel really proud.

*panel of jaejin (i think it's the first clear image we saw of him when he met dg on the bench)
*Dg: “have you been well, jeajin-ah?
*Jaejin: “of course, hyung”

Jeajin was a character who was not in the original plan. He was improvised.

He was a character whose purpose was to induce anxiety and jealousy, I didn’t think he would become a secondary character.

The scene where he takes the photos was somewhat important because I wanted to convey a feeling of great beauty, so I researched a lot of material to draw it. Thanks to that, jeajin took photos of donggyun causing jiwon’s jealousy to become even stronger.

*panel of jiwon spooning dg (when he was sick)
*DG: “...!”

This chapter felt a little cold and that worried me, because I didn't think there was enough appropriate material to demonstrate that donggyun was falling for jiwon again. Even so, this is one of my favorite chapters.

*panel of dg hugging jiwon, kissing him (after jiwon confesses to him in the cafe)

When I was painting this part, I was bubbling with emotion, but I was finally able to relax and finish it~ My heart was beating really fast

*colored panel of jiwon and dg seating on the couch talking, dg excited and jiwon drinking from his cup

I think it would have been fine finishing the story on chapter 61.

*panel of jiwon and dg’s date at the restaurant, waiter bringing several dishes.
*waiter: “this is creamy mushroom soup with mornay sauce on top
*waiter: “this is shrimp with a tomato and lentil salad”
*waiter: “and recommended by the chef a prime filet mignon”

I searched on the internet likely menus that sounded delicious and were plausible to put here.

*panel of jiwon and dg during their date, dg is holding that fish candy the lady gave him after jiwon spent a lot of money trying to win the game
*Jiwon: “do you like it?”

After their data, donggyun ate all of that fish shaped candy in one day.
**Holy shit that’s pretty impressive

*panel of chanwoo and dg talking while at work (after jiwon and dg became an official couple) dg wearing a turtleneck.
*Chanwoo: “anyway congratulations, I’m happy for you”
*Dg: “thanks, I owe you”

Here he used a t-shirt with a turtleneck to cover the hickies

*panel of high school jiwon and high school dg running towards each other.
*Jiwon narration: “if donggyun and i would have met in high school…”

Suddenly I thought of creating a continuity to this scene

They’ve both suffered fatal events when they were in high school, that completely affected their character. I included this scene because I thought they would’ve been able to take care of each other and treasure themselves if they had found each other in those circumstances.

*panel of chanwoo and md

Between all the special episodes, my favorite one is the most recent. Chapter 72

In fact, I wanted to draw them more but there wasn’t any time to do them and put them in order with the rest of the episodes.
Also, with the 1st special I set the bar so high, that I felt obligated to show better and stronger things as the story progressed, which was really complicated for me at the moment. These guys move to fast for me.

Then we’ll never see myungdae without a suit?
He’s a very correct person ^3^

*panel of outside view of jiwon’s apartment
*Narration: “friday night”
*sfx: beep beep open
*Dg: “Sunbae! I’m here~”

They shared codes

*panel of jiwon and dg, jiwon blushing and dg really tired (practically dead)
*Jiwon: “donggyun-ah, call me hyung again”
*Dg: “....”

Chapter 74 seemed to be the last one like that so I put everything that I wanted to draw before and it resulted in that ^^;
**i think she means last big sex scene?

Even though I wanted to dg to continue calling him hyung, it made me somewhat uncomfortable so they went back to their original honorifics

*panel of dg hugging jiwon (i think after the second to last broadcast)
*Dg: “i like both, alex and sunbae”

Personally, I think their facial design hit perfection on chapter 75

*panel of asshole’s beat up face
*Asshole: “ah...shit!”

In the end kanghoon dropped out of school
**hey there’s his name! But I'm too lazy to go back and change it….sorry

Finally, I felt it was best for jiwon to stop broadcasting completely

Now that he will live with donggyun and they will love each other unconditionally in real life, starting and taking care of that life, he wouldn’t need to broadcast anymore

The end of the story through a broadcast is something I planned when creating the story. Since the manhwa had started with a live broadcast, I wanted to end the same way.

*panel of jiwon closing the door to the room where he broadcasts

Also I wanted to show him leaving the house where he used to broadcast because it signified the departure, the end. And at the same time the start of a new life, jiwon’s expression at seeing his empty apartment leaves an implication of many emotions

*drawing of mingwa holding jiwon and dg’s hands
*Mingwa: “you guys had it hard, right?”

Jiwon and Donggyun became real people in my life. I began to love them as if they were my kids

They’re two heroes, who I love and appreciate a lot.

I promise you that from now own, Jiwon and Donggyun will live very happy lives


Okay, the question I most commonly receive about my future plans

Q. A book
There’s currently no plans for book. It would take way too long to edit and make all the corresponding corrections I would need to do. I need to think more regarding this matter

Q. Next project
Right now I haven’t thought of that...I need to rest and study

*drawing of a gaunt minwa
*sfx: exhausted

I still have to finish some personal questions after finishing this series, so I will still be very busy
So it will take me awhile before I start a new project. I’m going to take it slow, so if you want to wait for me, I would appreciate it very much

Q. A parallel story
I’m still talking with the company


We’re preparing for the <final event>
The event “UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATIONS OF BJ ALEX” with merchandise sales exclusively for readers
(The event will only take place in South Korea)

Later on I will release more information regarding this, and of my next plans

Everything will be announced on my twitter @_mingwa

I’m eagerly awaiting this event and more!

And finally

Thank you to everyone who made the serialization of BJ Alex possible

First of all, to my assistant who helped finished my work on dumb occasions

*drawing of “Mr. Pung!”

Seriously, Mr. Pung has been an unthinkable help

I appreciated so much. Mr. Pung you’re the best! Number 1 works…deadlines… When I contracted him I had no clue about any of this, so he was an unimaginable help



I love you

Thanks to Warry, who gave information on the “department of consumer information” and of the “cafe”

Also to Dr.Chang, a consultant who helped me when I was going through mentally strenuous times and changed my life completely

The production team that helped me so much, doing an excellent job

The USA team who worked on my story for foreigners

I will always appreciate my friends from the Stanby studio

My lovely team


Despite being a story in which you have to pay, please buy it legitimately, and support us by reading it until the end!

Thank you for reading my manhwa, and for loving jiwon, donggyun, myungdae and chanwoo

Now we finished this stage correctly

Well, I’ll see you next time which a manhwa that’s much more fun!

Meanwhile, a great big thanks!

*panel of mingwa bowing
*sfx: admiration

-<BJ Alex> conclusion of the second season, end-

July 13, 2019
From: mingwa

    lilo August 18, 2019 7:46 pm

    omg yeeees thank you sooo much!!!!!!

    god isn't real August 18, 2019 9:59 pm

    Thanks! It actually says that Chanwoo is pansexual, and the parallel story is actually extra chapters/side stories for after the completion of the main story. Thanks again, I've been waiting for a full translation. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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