Like damn y'all mf's stay clogging up the forum with shit that could be discussed in the comment section of the manga/manwha y'all are bitching about. It's the exact same redundant shit being said so either stfu or take it to the comment section of the bl since they're working now so other topics can be discussed

no. zer0 asked question about read 1000 manga or more

what character comes to mind when u hear this

no. zer0 asked question about question

My dog won’t listen to me anymore after he saw me bottoming I’d rather not go too into specifics but I had a guy over a couple weeks ago for a hookup and forgot to close the door so my Akita I’ve had for 2 years wandered in while we were going at it. The guy was being pretty rough and I was getting into it moaning being slutty you know bottom......

no. zer0 asked question about applying edging to your life

"b-bowser we shouldn't be doing this what if my brother or peach sees" luigi says as he tries to hold in a moan from bowsers caresses. "dw babe they won't catch us" bowser kept playing with luigi as a predator would its prey. "ngh" luigi couldn't take much more of bowsers teasing. it was so unfair. w/o warning, bowser heaved luigi over his shoulder......

no. zer0 asked question about your opinions

I hate fate. Every day I wake up and I have to deal with seeing those shitty characters being in my vicinity. I can't go anywhere online anymore without seeing them. It's tracking me down, driving me mad, making me crazy. I just want peace and solace in my life but instead I have to deal with fucking breakfast scenes and sword jokes. I really just ......

no. zer0 asked question about read 1000 manga or more

EGGS, BACON, GRITS..... SAUSAGE! I'm a vegetarian, but I still take a SAUSAGE! Keep it going.

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

I AM SICK AND TIRED of ugly bast@rds r wording women. Where is animated hentai for women?? I wanna see hot and sexy anime women getting their backs blown out, their coochie eaten, and their bodies caressed by a hot and sexy anime man whose 6 ft, has abs and good looking w/ a big pp. I want to see that shit in 4k all angles different positions. GODD......

no. zer0 asked question about chat about anything

Big mommy milkers, milkers mommy AWOOGA AWOOGA *jaw drops to floor* *eyes pop out of sockets* *tongue rolls out like a red carpet* AWOOGA AWOOGA MOMMY MILKERS

no. zer0 asked question about chat about anything

if i were to suck gojo's dick, would i go slower than usual because that's how his ability works?

no. zer0 asked question about chat about anything

u know when you go to a specific genre and u can sort by

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way bu......

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

pounces on u, u so warm. couldn't help but notice ur bulge from across the floor, nuzzlez yo' necky~ oof baby u so musky take me home, pet me, N' make me yours & dont forget to stuff me! see me wag my widdle baby tail, all for your bolgy-wolgy! kisses n lickies yo neck, i hope daddy likeies nuzzles n wuzzles yo chest, i be gettin thirsty hey i got ......

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

ara ara~ well arent you enthusiastic~ *opens up trench coat to reveal my deck of yu gi oh cards* it's time to duel, prepare yourself!

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

what is the point of life? Like deadass all anyone ever does is go school, work and then die and everything else in between is a distraction until our inevitable death. It's so pointless when you think about it.

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

They're simply exquisite! Marvelous! Breathtaking! *suckles on senpai's big toe* The taste, the scent, the feel~ If it were up to me, i'd lick them all day but alas! The mere thought of having senpai's delectable feet in my mouth makes me excited with anticipation! ngh~ It truly is a feeling that cannot be replicated! Only true intellectuals will a......

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

Ohh snap snap, spark spark it's time to light up the diggy diggy dark, i'm The Flame Alchemist, and i'm gonna be Furhur my beats are hot and my rhymes are purer, i like the lady's in the mini skirts, I'll be posing in the mirror without my fancy shirts, i'm gonna set your heart on fire WOOSH WOOSH, And you know my heart burns bright too KABOOM KAB......

no. zer0 asked question about character obsession

oh noooooo i hope i don't get sent to horny jail as my punishment with all the other horny people it would be sooooo unfortunate i would hate it sooooo much senpai~