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Nemaki's message board ( All 2 )

Nemaki August 31, 2020 6:20 pm

Hi thank you very much for your message! That's nice of you!
Actually I have a problem of understanding of language (I'm french x') ) : what does "blocked out" mean? I scanned my id, put it on word, put things to hide my face and other thing except my name and birthdate and my nationality and sent the result to them. Is that what "blocking out" mean, or should I have shown my entire card or other?
Sorry for the trouble :/

blegh September 4, 2020 12:09 pm

Oooof I only saw this! And yes, blocking out can mean putting black rectangles over information on your ID to hide it from Bomtoon.

Nemaki September 4, 2020 3:17 pm
Oooof I only saw this! And yes, blocking out can mean putting black rectangles over information on your ID to hide it from Bomtoon. blegh

Haha don't worry! thank you for your time ^^ they still haven't reply to me, well I'll wait until next week or something and then I will do everything again! :)

blegh September 4, 2020 7:57 pm
Haha don't worry! thank you for your time ^^ they still haven't reply to me, well I'll wait until next week or something and then I will do everything again! :) Nemaki

Okay, and hopefully they do!

blegh August 31, 2020 4:36 pm

Heya, for Bomtoon, if you want, you can delete the inquiry you sent (there should be a button to delete it), make sure that your driver's license/ID (has to be official of some kind) is completely blocked out except for your name and birthdate (includes your picture as well), and you can try sending it again by putting in the message box your name and birthdate. What I did was I put it:

Name: My name
Birthdate: Birthday

And send it during their business hours/days (weekdays, 10-5pm KST).