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Nemaki March 10, 2025 4:56 pm

It's not my dream to experience this, but I wouldn't mind trying it. It's very hot.

Nemaki March 9, 2025 11:40 am

Aaaww the kiss was cute <3

    L2andrade March 11, 2025 1:29 am

    sorry! I mean to upvote ┗( T﹏T )┛

Nemaki's questions ( All 39 )

Nemaki February 3, 2025 9:11 pm

Does someone has a good website where I could read manga but in japanese?
I'm learning japanese on my own but I'm not very efficient. Reading manga in english made me learn english very fast, when I was soooo bad at it initially...
So I thought maybe I could do the same but with japanese too.
I hope someone can help me!

Nemaki August 4, 2024 5:21 pm

Question to those who know how to read japanese (while not being japanese) : how did you do it?
I'm trying to learn it and I was curious. It's only been 15 days, I'm learning hiragana and katakana. It's a bit hard but I'm not giving up!

    Kiyo_Omi August 4, 2024 5:49 pm

    Hii. For me I learnt to master the hiragana first then the katakana. The katakana is lot more confusing so it took me a while. And practice often too! It’s helps you to get more familiar with each words/ alphabets to avoid confusion. Also as for katakana, you need to watch the strokes because so many of them look similar but totally different

    velocity August 4, 2024 6:39 pm

    hiragana and katakana are easy to remember. the real difficulties begin with wanting to learn kanji. i recommend starting with the most basic 200 ones, but not only with the stroke order and the meaning for a single kanji, but also different words that use this kanji. it makes remembering kanji (and its readings) so much easier and you actually learn some vocabulary at the same time. i also recommend reading some easy texts for beginners with furigana (the hiragana that’s beside or above the kanji that indicate the reading).

    Nemaki August 4, 2024 8:37 pm
    Hii. For me I learnt to master the hiragana first then the katakana. The katakana is lot more confusing so it took me a while. And practice often too! It’s helps you to get more familiar with each words/ alph... Kiyo_Omi

    Yeah I find the katakana more difficult to remember too. But I don't know if it's because I started to learn it after the hiragana haha

    Nemaki August 4, 2024 8:41 pm
    hiragana and katakana are easy to remember. the real difficulties begin with wanting to learn kanji. i recommend starting with the most basic 200 ones, but not only with the stroke order and the meaning for a s... velocity

    Yeah, I know that kanji are another level... which is why I've never had the courage to start to learn japanese until now ToT
    I still don't master hiragana and katakana yet. Until they aren't easy for me, I won't start to learn kanji. I hope I get the hang of it soon... and at the same time I'm not too rushed to cry in despair lol

    velocity August 4, 2024 9:08 pm
    Yeah, I know that kanji are another level... which is why I've never had the courage to start to learn japanese until now ToT I still don't master hiragana and katakana yet. Until they aren't easy for me, I won... Nemaki

    of course, master hiragana and katakana first, they’re the most important for a beginner to learn. only when you feel confident enough with these two syllabaries should you start learning kanji. and honestly, as long as you don’t try to learn some difficult kanji first, and actually start with the easy ones, you should be totally fine. there’s nothing to be scared of. but the results will only show when you’re being consistent with learning and actually put some effort. hope you’ll have lots of fun learning.

    Nemaki August 4, 2024 9:51 pm
    of course, master hiragana and katakana first, they’re the most important for a beginner to learn. only when you feel confident enough with these two syllabaries should you start learning kanji. and honestly... velocity

    Thank you for those wise words and your encouragement! <3

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Nemaki August 31, 2020 6:20 pm

Hi thank you very much for your message! That's nice of you!
Actually I have a problem of understanding of language (I'm french x') ) : what does "blocked out" mean? I scanned my id, put it on word, put things to hide my face and other thing except my name and birthdate and my nationality and sent the result to them. Is that what "blocking out" mean, or should I have shown my entire card or other?
Sorry for the trouble :/

blegh September 4, 2020 12:09 pm

Oooof I only saw this! And yes, blocking out can mean putting black rectangles over information on your ID to hide it from Bomtoon.

Nemaki September 4, 2020 3:17 pm
Oooof I only saw this! And yes, blocking out can mean putting black rectangles over information on your ID to hide it from Bomtoon. blegh

Haha don't worry! thank you for your time ^^ they still haven't reply to me, well I'll wait until next week or something and then I will do everything again! :)

blegh September 4, 2020 7:57 pm
Haha don't worry! thank you for your time ^^ they still haven't reply to me, well I'll wait until next week or something and then I will do everything again! :) Nemaki

Okay, and hopefully they do!

blegh August 31, 2020 4:36 pm

Heya, for Bomtoon, if you want, you can delete the inquiry you sent (there should be a button to delete it), make sure that your driver's license/ID (has to be official of some kind) is completely blocked out except for your name and birthdate (includes your picture as well), and you can try sending it again by putting in the message box your name and birthdate. What I did was I put it:

Name: My name
Birthdate: Birthday

And send it during their business hours/days (weekdays, 10-5pm KST).

Hey! I've been reading manga online since about 2010. I've started on mangafox, then went here after a few years. I joined tardly cause I didn't feel the need to sign in. So there's a lot of manga I've read that I almost  don't remember and so didn't put on my list. 
When I started, I was like 12 years old. Reading manga online made me improve my english a lot, though I'm not bilingual of course. So if my english isn't always correct, it's normal as it's not my main language.
I hope mangago will last as long as it can. I'm very thanksful to all the translators, and to the authors of course. If I become rich, I'll buy every manga I've read here. I promise.
Nice to meet you!

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