i'm sure think heegyeom still loves jaehan very much, and he's sure jaehan loves him too, but he's waiting for jaehan to tell him directly that he loves him.
this should feel toxic, but why does it feel like reading fluff
the chibi- i can't that's too cute wtf.
even though it was like a fluff, I still felt my heart breaking because of this angst that slashed softly.
Heegyeom im so sorry i know jaehan is rlly a trash, and crush you to the core, but.. Hes really sorry, he love you, he dont wanna lose you, hes suffer a lot- its not like you dont suffer a lot too tho bc of him, but... Ughh pls make out as soon as possible, my heart aches so bad, pls just make fluff for now you two deserve happiness
I read raws from the last chapter updated here until chapter 50 just looking for THAT MANAGER DICK! FFS
and I didn't see it until now...
I saw that in the past the manager had a big ex-boy similar body like Hel but blonde hair.. I don't know what happened to them, it looks like they broke up or something I don't understand.. then maybe the the manager was traumatized or something(?).
the manager always uses a fake penis to fuck hel i dont understand is he lost his dick or something???!
please provide official info of author or official site of this manga