He's the villain that makes the story progressing. I want to know whether he'll be the big bad villain or Mr. Song since Byeonduck dropped his name chapters ago. He reminds me of Sekhmet with his liking to create trouble and misery. I want to know how the plot thickens, how Byeonduck bring Mr. Song and Seungho's brother back to the stage. I want to see Byeonduck growing as a story teller too.
If Min is Sekhmet, I also wish Nakyum do what Seth did to Osiris to Seungho.
I'm sorry I was wrong. I checked Canna(the magazine where this was published)'s twitter and found the DRAFT was written by Asada Nemui. Each chapter drawn by:
1 - Asada Nemui
2 - Nishimoto Rou
3 - mame March
4 - Kuku Hayate
Only 4 chapters are shown at Canna's twitter. (Please use twitter advanced search to find them). I don't know how many chapter this story has. So yeah the tragedy tag at mangaupdate most likely stays.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Can I get the username please?
It's c_canna