Luna April 17, 2016 2:21 pm

Though this was cute but I'm wondering if it's over? I hope for at least another chapter.

Luna April 16, 2016 4:16 pm

All the other story's are horrible.
The first on has a seme do everything for a bet and in the end he's fallen in love with the uke but doesn't figure it out for weeks? Oh come on! Then the uke just forgives him? WHY? He tricked you, made a fool out of you and your just gonna let him have his way because now he says he's sorry and that he loves you? NO YOU DON"T!
He wants you, you make him fucking PROVE IT!
The second story was filler that I didn't even care about.
Now the third with the Prince that took his sisters place was lovely. The man the prince married was a kind and willing to set him free but the Prince wanted to give his husband the love and light he deserved. Very sweet.
Then we have the last story. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS UKE?! You were jealous at first and then you began to hate the seme, you don't love him, your just freaking gave up! And who the hell wants that bastard seme in the first place?! He jumps on anyone that the uke had a thing for which means he would dump these women a the drop of a hat. Now you can say that was just his jealousy, but! Then when ever the uke wanted something the seme went out and got it for himself and showed it off? What purpose was this? There is none! He torments the uke in to despising him by treating him like shit and in the end he wins?! FUCK THAT!
The Uke was never in love with him, it's completely made up! Not until he saw the women being asked out by the seme did he somehow "Figure it out.". FIGURE WHAT OUT! That he's never going to stop tormenting you? GET THE HELL AWAY FORM HIM! I mean for got sake he insults the uke to his face during the damn "CONFESSION"! So in the end it doesn't matter at all, the uke just falls in love with a arrogant, overbearing bastard, that looks down on him, and who was completely willing to mentally inflict pain and anguish until he gets what he wanted and makes it out to be the Ukes complete fault? BULLSHIT! Like hell this is a match made in Heaven! It's Bullshit!

    heyyy May 31, 2016 12:16 am

    what page does chapter 3 start on?

    heyyy May 31, 2016 12:16 am

    nvm found it lol

    Anonymous April 11, 2017 9:35 am

    I agree wih you but seriosuly what is people and their thumbs down. People cant even respect someone's opinion..Gawd I swear some fujoshi are fucking extreme and likes everything even with a egoist selfish seme or uke or slutty seme or uke.

    YOMAMAJOKES April 11, 2017 9:42 am
    I agree wih you but seriosuly what is people and their thumbs down. People cant even respect someone's opinion..Gawd I swear some fujoshi are fucking extreme and likes everything even with a egoist selfish se... @Anonymous

    The thumbs down button is there for a reason. If anyone is free to offer their opinion, then they should expect the same freedom for everyone to either agree or disagree; hence, the buttons. If your feelings get hurt by it, then maybe you shouldn't have offered your opinion in a forum that is widely known to have a lot of people with differing perspectives than others. Not everyone will agree with what you say and I'm sure you won't agree with others as well. Let's all just be adults and not whining kids about it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Luna April 16, 2016 3:09 pm

I'm not so happy about the first couple. Now I don't hate the Uke, he's a good guy. The only problem is that he's being manipulated. He had no idea that the Seme he was falling for was the man he wanted to see, but no the Seme lied to him, harassed him, and was bulling him, which is wrong.
But when they get together the seme doesn't treat the uke like an adult, doesn't listen to him, and pretty much wants him to sit there and be content with what the seme wants. The uke gets angry for this because he knows it's wrong the way he's being treated, but then because of the manipulation the uke starts believing that his "tantrums" are all his fault, but in the end even when he wants to stand his ground the seme comes in, uses force, and more manipulation in the form of sex appeal to get what he wants.It's wrong and the cycle continued with no change. It's wrong and doesn't make a healthy relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if the uke found out the seme was having him watched and followed by someone and finds the photo evidence and the seme has the never to think the uke is cheating with a female student or female teacher.

The second couple is a million times better. The player seme falls in love and wants to win over the secritary uke, but the uke doesn't trust him for good reasons. In the end the uke is both upset that the seme isn't around and the fact that wanting the seme is wrong because he believe he'll be hurt. In the end the seme proves his love and happiness ensues. Screw the other couple.

    Ai-hime June 14, 2019 12:06 pm

    Sorry, I really meant to leave a thumbs up and not a dislike.

Luna April 16, 2016 4:32 am

The first couple is horrible. The uke was amazing, at first, then he failed. He clearly made it clear he wanted to be left alone, but also clear he felt something, but only in at least two maybe three panels.
He's finally about to get what he wants and gives in in a flash.
The seme is a complete ASS! He's selfish, overbearing, jealous, immature and completely doesn't trust the uke!
How do you fall in love with someone like this?
Now lets talk about that one shot. A huge company and one of the biggest in the world, suddenly with out noticed is in danger? BULLSHIT!
That blonde bastard Seme is a FREAK! That and a rapist! There's the biggest problem! The uke was devastating by that gold digging whore that hurt him and made her hate life knowning that he was now more then likely 100 times richer then her husband! But now that's he's so rich and well known he can't trust women even more. Then that bastard seme shows up with no background and rapes the uke because he wants the uke to be who he really is? Who is he? A whore? Because your sure treating him like one. And now at the end we don't even get an ending. We get that bastard showing up and pretty much blackmail him. How? He pretty much tells him "Come here and let me fuck you or else I'll take everything away from you and you'll have nothing."
When it comes down to it, the first couples seme is ten times better then the one shot rapist, but I still don't like either of them.

    C Me May 5, 2016 3:58 am

    My sentiments exactly.

    Luna May 5, 2016 8:55 pm
    My sentiments exactly. C Me

    Thank you.

    RenRen August 29, 2016 10:27 am

    A lot of this mangaka's couples are like this though. It's her style I guess.

    Luna August 29, 2016 1:02 pm
    A lot of this mangaka's couples are like this though. It's her style I guess. RenRen

    I just don't understand why people think this is actually good for the people to read? It nearly screams that "Hey get treated like shit and let your better rape you and your have the greatest love of your life!"Oh god!

    RenRen August 30, 2016 9:09 am
    I just don't understand why people think this is actually good for the people to read? It nearly screams that "Hey get treated like shit and let your better rape you and your have the greatest love of your life... Luna

    Yeah I stay around for the art but the plot does make me cringe. It's a one-time read thing for me. Won't really be going back to any of her works

    Huntor January 22, 2017 2:38 am

    I will be looking out for your comments everywhere now, I fucking love this summary, we share like minded aspects, though I didn't get too heated since it's 3am! I was thinking that it ended abruptly and I'm not liking the direction of the company's danger from the other company's acting president kidnapper san.

    Luna January 22, 2017 2:54 pm
    I will be looking out for your comments everywhere now, I fucking love this summary, we share like minded aspects, though I didn't get too heated since it's 3am! I was thinking that it ended abruptly and I'm no... Huntor

    Thank you!

    vanillafujoshi March 10, 2017 6:31 pm

    True! I don't get why "rape" has always been the "first step" to make the uke fall inlove woth the seme. RAPE IS RAPE! No shit!

    Huntor March 10, 2017 11:31 pm
    True! I don't get why "rape" has always been the "first step" to make the uke fall inlove woth the seme. RAPE IS RAPE! No shit! vanillafujoshi


Luna April 16, 2016 4:00 am

The plot vanished from this story. It went from guy wanting to live his dream and forced to be host/whore to do so, to guy determined to be the best host/whore ever and falling in love with the guy that more or less humiliated him for his own amusement. HUH?!
It doesn't come off as rushed but I feel that there was meant to be more to this. It's the only reason why the plot vanished.

    takame June 1, 2016 9:53 pm

    he wanted to get both tho. the seme and the grand prix. that's why he chose to stay at the host club. seme is basically playing mind games with him and they were both tough, kind of like beastly types... no frilly doki-doki needed (or something like that) their courtship is kind of non-standard ( ̄∇ ̄")
    also, uke is a tough cookie to beat so if he so wanted to leave, he will. he never saw himself as a victim, he view everything as an opportunity and a stepping stone.

    Luna June 2, 2016 12:10 am
    he wanted to get both tho. the seme and the grand prix. that's why he chose to stay at the host club. seme is basically playing mind games with him and they were both tough, kind of like beastly types... no fri... takame

    Possible. But he hated having to be sexually trained. He was being used and he figured it out which I'm proud of him for doing. But the main plot was him determined to be a racer and if this continued I have no doubt it would have gone down that dumb route where he gives up because. He didn't seem to care anymore and was determined to prove he wasn't a joke, when at the same time he was making himself one by being a whore. All it took was one person who wanted revenge or out of jealousy to expose him and ruin everything. I'm not talking about to the press but to his Father and his Team. This had potential but it drowned. The relationship between the seme and uke doesn't have any emotion to it. The uke sleeps with the seme first because it's his "job" and he's proving a point. Then when the manga ends the uke suddenly is like "Oh it's love." REALLY? I say fail, completely.

    piggy gone home today June 29, 2018 6:51 am

    I love how articulately you expressed literally everything I felt !
    It's not the sex work that was a turn off, neither was it the lack of "fluff" (I hate overly fluffy yaoi tbh; and LOVE me some strong, independent ukes).
    It was manipulation and a rushed, unrealistic "character development". Also, the seme being an utter asshole didn't help either.

Luna April 16, 2016 3:48 am

Not thrilled with this. The uke showed nothing but irritation towards the seme. This did not come off as the normal "We're siblings" stuff because normally the one thinking that has inner thoughts and shows attraction. He didn't. He was keeping the seme away, he choice to ignore him and go home by himself, then he's nearly raped and desperately succeeds in stopping it, but then suddenly he's in love with the seme?! WHEN?! Nothing, nothing at all said this was the case! This had the chance for the seme to untie the uke and walk out and leave, the uke to avoid him, and then the seme move out. Leading to the uke to eventually break down in anger because the seme is selfish. Of course after like what three more chapters would the uke naturally fall in love with the seme, but only after more then likely a small time skip where the seme appears to have given up on the uke, and in the end the passionate sex scene. That I think would have been MUCH better.

    Callisto January 4, 2017 3:45 pm

    I agree, I was like "Whu-what? When did the uke fall in love?"

Luna April 16, 2016 3:35 am

This was cute and straight to the point, so a little quick, which I don't really mind. What I do mind is, did they just have sex, in the kitchen, of the restaurant, with customers still waiting? Cause it sure seems like it. Unless I missed something.

    Aga June 2, 2016 5:46 pm

    There were leftovers, and seme was talking about customers. It was probably when they were cleaning up after all day.

    Luna June 2, 2016 6:44 pm
    There were leftovers, and seme was talking about customers. It was probably when they were cleaning up after all day. @Aga

    Well I hope so cause the other workers sure got a show.

    purge666 June 4, 2018 11:31 am

    hahaha lol

Luna April 16, 2016 12:28 am

So our uke is completely in love with our handsome foreign Seme and the other way around.
Ranmaru and Kaoru are not in love, not sexually attracted to each other, and will more then likely never have sex. Thus never have children. WHY ARE THEY NOT JUST FREAKING DIVORCED?!
The only way an heir is going to be born is if Kaoru get's pregnant by a lover, but knowing how she is she'll want to marry him because she loves him.
JUST GET A DIVORCE! This marriage was doomed from the damn start!

    Mixtress Bathory August 6, 2016 2:50 am

    Because Ranmaru is a yakuza. their marriage was forced in both parties(It's a political/economic marriage). if they divorce, problems for both families will follow, probably even economic problems. since the yakuza group learned about the rumors about Al. most likely they can send some assassin to kill Al. good that Kaoru loves Ranmaru as a brother and friend. still even her warned him about getting together with a man. it's also a problem Al's gender and being a foreign (yakuzas are homophobic and extreme nationalists)

    I didn't like the ending but it's realistic.

    Mixtress Bathory August 6, 2016 2:57 am
    Because Ranmaru is a yakuza. their marriage was forced in both parties(It's a political/economic marriage). if they divorce, problems for both families will follow, probably even economic problems. since the ya... Mixtress Bathory

    I mean both Ranmaru and Kaoru are yakuzas and had their roles determined by their fathers since they were kids, or even before born. Ran father is the leader and Ranmaru is a heir to the group, I didn't read about the position about Kaorus father, but most likely he was on tops of the same group or a leader of friend related group, aka an ally group

    Luna August 6, 2016 4:33 am
    I mean both Ranmaru and Kaoru are yakuzas and had their roles determined by their fathers since they were kids, or even before born. Ran father is the leader and Ranmaru is a heir to the group, I didn't read ab... Mixtress Bathory

    From what I gather both family's are equal and good friends. The only reason they forced their children to marry is because both were in trouble of shutting down because of money.
    Something along that anyway.
    In all it doesn't matter. Ran will never sleep with Kaoru. There will never be heirs.
    This marriage was doomed from the start because neither wanted to be together sexually. Now Ran's found himself love and he's still meeting him.
    Kaoru is not the kind of women to shut up. She loves Ran and wants him to be happy. But they won't be able to sleep together because she won't want to either!
    She won't ever have the romance she wants or have children if she remains married to Ran. In less then three years, tops, the Fathers are gonna get irritated that they have no heir. Sure they might threaten Ran, but even if they do he still won't give up his love, and if something happens it won't matter he still will not touch Kaoru. The Fathers are screwed if they don't divorce so Kaoru can marry for love and have a child. That's it!

    Mixtress Bathory August 6, 2016 5:52 am

    the story didn't mention the rank of Kaoru's father. can't tell if they were equals or not. and he died. the main reason Kaoru had to marry Ren was because her father died. in japanese society they must follow or they could be banned. what do they feel, DOESN'T matter. in japan they have to do what is told by family. specially when they are yakuzas, politicians, and families of high status.
    Al can be killed at any time.
    Ran and kaoru can sleep together without loving each other. they don't need love nor idealized feelings for that. a couple of drinks and viola, they can have kids anytime unless one of them were sterile. Ren did said that kaorus was hot when he was a kid.
    Al is the only guy he likes. to me he seems like a bisexual guy.
    they have to deal with the marriage. kaorus can look for a lover too and have her romance. as the two of them agree to it and keep it a secret from family and acquaintances.
    Al also is a captain which send him into looong working weeks. They won't see each other for long periods of time.
    plus they met after Ren was married and Al understand that very well and in the position Ren is.
    ending is messed up but realistic. is not idealized.

    seriously even if they divorce. why Kaoru has to marry and have kids?!?! she can have a great romance without marry. and a kid will only ruin a great romance and steal her personal freedom. Kaoru's characters seems to be the type that enjoy life and parties, a kid will ruin that. no kids please, no more pro natalist overrated archaic propaganda lol lol

Luna April 15, 2016 7:42 pm

The first two are for most of the chapters, the last one is for chapter 4. This is disgusting.

Luna April 15, 2016 7:15 pm

This is starting off well, lets hope it doesn't ruin that.

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