Luna April 21, 2016 11:18 pm

Rape is shit, it doesn't matter if it's fictional! That bastard seme rapes his crush because the uke won't admit he has feelings for the seme?! FUCK THAT! And then the Uke is like "He wants me to hate him, I don't care he raped me anymore!" SCREW THAT! You just let him get what he wants! He should have ignored and avoided him for weeks, make him burn with pain, then make the bastard his slave. If the uke did that I'd like this so much better.

Luna April 21, 2016 6:12 pm

The seme is a sadist bully that treats the uke like a possession. Instead of helping the uke with work or changing their job like a normal boss would he torments him by making feel inferior. There is also the likelihood that the seme raped him also.
The uke is an idiot, you don't stay in a job where you are being treated like shit. LEAVE! You aren't in love your living in fear!
You don't want to be fired! The uke has been completely brainwashed by his superior using his power over him. Break him and get what you want. This is not love it's sick.

    C Me July 18, 2016 7:53 am

    I have to agree with you, I really hate it when the uke is made to feel inferior. Even though our point of view is not very popular but I agree with every word you said.

    Luna July 18, 2016 2:25 pm
    I have to agree with you, I really hate it when the uke is made to feel inferior. Even though our point of view is not very popular but I agree with every word you said. C Me

    Thank you! I happy to find someone like minded.

    mhmm July 29, 2016 11:17 pm

    i find it to be a psychological sado-masochism. there are relationships like that, but they tend to be more honest about it. i'm honestly not to fond of the relationship overall though.

    wellnow September 16, 2016 3:42 am

    I don't know why you're getting so many downvotes, because I completely agree. It's not healthy to have your partner dictate who you can see, readers. That's a pretty big red flag.

    Luna September 16, 2016 3:55 am
    I don't know why you're getting so many downvotes, because I completely agree. It's not healthy to have your partner dictate who you can see, readers. That's a pretty big red flag. @wellnow

    The down votes are just people that don't see this a bad thing. They see this only as fiction, but the thing is stuff like this actually happen in the real world.

    C Me September 16, 2016 9:13 am
    The down votes are just people that don't see this a bad thing. They see this only as fiction, but the thing is stuff like this actually happen in the real world. Luna

    That is very true.

    Aiya-chan October 30, 2016 10:22 pm

    I'm also worried about happened that first night when Kondou was smashed. That's not okay, was he even conscious, I wonder.

    Luna October 31, 2016 12:02 am
    I'm also worried about happened that first night when Kondou was smashed. That's not okay, was he even conscious, I wonder. Aiya-chan

    I can't tell myself, it's just to upsetting to thing about.

    Rikka December 31, 2017 4:01 pm

    I agree with you
    But in japan you can't just leave your job like that
    Cause later you won't get any jab on anyother companies
    It was shown in RElife

    Luna December 31, 2017 7:14 pm
    I agree with youBut in japan you can't just leave your job like thatCause later you won't get any jab on anyother companiesIt was shown in RElife Rikka

    Not if you go to a high competitor of former company. The best get back.

Luna April 20, 2016 4:22 am

Just sleep this the fool already! PLEASE! YOU BOTH WANT TO! Okay the room is the worst place to do so, but just get it over with!
I already have plans for the day I give myself to my man. Because I'm gonna suck up all my fear, as much as humanly possible, and go for it, because when your in love you do dirty naughty things together in private!

Luna April 19, 2016 5:04 pm

This is good, I just hope it stays that way.

Luna April 19, 2016 2:53 pm

This is funny and starting well, I just pray to god that they don't ruin it!

Luna April 19, 2016 4:16 am

I want Hinata to get a little crow form! Smaller then Midori so it'll be cute when they cuddle all cute like on the porch.
Oh and I want Midori to hold Hinata in his crow form when Midori is in human form! SO CUTE!

Luna April 19, 2016 12:01 am

The couple were both ukes, but the pretty one turns out to actually be a seme, which is so funny. Really he's an okama that's why he dresses as a woman, more or less he did it because he was so beautiful. Had he did have an inferiority complex because of it I have no doubt he would have found happiness dressed as a man. I mean he looks amazing with his hair back with out the make up.
Still this is really cute that they found love.

Luna April 18, 2016 5:52 pm

The uke who's family is in the Tattoo business clearly doesn't like doing them. He has a pained look on his face when ever he talks about it. He should just stop. It was also selfish of him to put the tattoo on the guy he liked also. He should not be in this line of work and I can easily see him either leaving on his own or being thrown out.
The seme with the tattoo is a creep! You put a huge tattoo on your chest over your heart that signifies the name of the person your in love with when that person hates tattoo's and has no feels for you is not love, it's obsession. The seme says he doesn't want to lie to the guy he loves but he's still hurting him. If the tattoo is found out the seme will get in trouble but he deliberately does things that could have him exposed. He also rubs it in the ukes face by his actions.
The last couple is just dumb. They are both adults, they are both teachers. The only reason the seme is quieting is because more then likely their gay. No it's not possible that some guys are gonna be gay at and all male school, oh no completely unlikely.
In short the characters are horrible and irritating and out of all of the couples only the teachers seem to have some chance at staying together. I don't see any hope for the other two at all.

    mika July 1, 2016 8:23 pm

    In my opinion every love story has it own difficulty we shouldn't judge other love story cause you are not them and they are not you. Some love story can last a lifetime some just months or years,but it's still something other shouldn't judge. I personally don't like it if someone told me my love life sucks so you should think what it people would said about you too.

Luna April 17, 2016 7:27 pm

The first and 4th story aren't very good at all. It doesn't matter if it's fiction, rape is deplorable and should not be made to look glamours.
Seme: I raped you because of a misunderstanding but now I'm sorry because I have feelings for you.
Uke: I know you did, but now I love you too because you apologized!
This happens so much it's sick!

    Anonymous October 13, 2016 9:31 pm

    Lmao did you really come back a year later to rant again

    Luna October 13, 2016 11:18 pm
    Lmao did you really come back a year later to rant again @Anonymous

    No that was a different Luna. It's kinda funny.

Luna April 17, 2016 7:22 pm

What is the "Yaoi Color Formula"? It's something I came up with.
If in a story the uke has two seme's to pick from, it does not matter who you want to win or who you think is the better choice, Why? Because of the formula. If the uke has light hair he will end up with the dark haired seme every time. If the uke is dark haired he will end up with a light haired seme every time.
This happens all the time. AND I"M SICK OF IT!
Avoidance Formula is when the seme acts like a child and avoids the love interest causing them to "Think" about the other, which magically creates the longing feeling of love, even though before hand you didn't want anything to do with them in the first place. Example oustide this manga is when an uke is tormented by the seme in anyway, be it hate, jealousy, or the seme is an arrogant prick and or bully to the uke, or a massive combination of many things. Then when the uke stands up to the seme, either when the seme attacks or something that can be seen as the seme saying to doing something to make the uke snap, only to have the seme to show how immature they are or even threaten the uke and walks away. The seme then ignores and "Avoids" the uke. A few days to a few weeks, and rarely a few years, go by and somehow the uke starts wanting the seme back because somehow even after all the shit they went through that one moment of kindness from months to years in the past make the uke fall in love with them. Which is BULLSHIT!

    C Me April 26, 2016 5:07 am


    Luna April 26, 2016 2:13 pm
    Flawless! C Me

    Why thank you!

    Tuuh April 27, 2016 3:51 am

    So true!

    A very predictable ending, and empty too.
    The seme keeps referring to the uke on third person all the time, and there is no connection between them, very cold for my taste.
    The formula is so true >.<, that is one of the reasons that I avoid reading “Love Triangle” stories, because the plot doesn’t matter, always the end its about who pout and avoid more the uke, and the color of the hair.
    So Sad.

    Vampire Queen April 27, 2016 8:20 am

    Actually its not always true I have read a few yaoi love triangle stories in which the uke/seme ends up with someone of the same coloured hair as him. But it is a stereotype in yaoi that opposite hair types in love triangles always end up together.

    Luna April 27, 2016 4:14 pm
    Actually its not always true I have read a few yaoi love triangle stories in which the uke/seme ends up with someone of the same coloured hair as him. But it is a stereotype in yaoi that opposite hair types in ... Vampire Queen

    If they have colored pages check the color. Many times the color will be either a light brown or an unnatural color. It's rare for two characters to have legit same color but it can happen.

    Luna April 27, 2016 4:16 pm
    So true!A very predictable ending, and empty too.The seme keeps referring to the uke on third person all the time, and there is no connection between them, very cold for my taste.The formula is so true >.<... Tuuh

    I noticed this a ways back and immediately came up with my Formula when I noticed the pattern. Really annoying even if the story is good, unlike this one.

    Tuuh April 28, 2016 2:55 am

    You know, every rule has an exception, and that formula it’s no different. Yeah there is some manga where in this situation the equal hair characters are going to be together, but normally that doesn’t happen. I think that there are many reasons for the mangaka decide on that, but the thing that end up bothering it’s that not always its seems like a good couple, like on this manga where there is no visible chemistry between Kou and Yuzu, but even so they end up together.

    This manga end up a bit lame, because the characters were not well made.
    Kou is completely empty, he is a cliché, ignoring the uke, and latter acting like he didn’t realize he was ignoring him.
    Shin is pretty cool, but is completely centered on the uke, in the end of the manga he began to gain a personality because of the shop and all, but this end up pretty quickly because of the agreement thing.
    And the uke Yuzu i’s empty too, he end up with Kou because of the “You are being ignored” thing and that’s all.

    And all of this just made that formula that you’ve create even more noticeable, because when the manga is well-built the mangaka is able to camouflage this things better, not completely but a least a little.

    Vampire Queen April 28, 2016 5:25 am
    You know, every rule has an exception, and that formula it’s no different. Yeah there is some manga where in this situation the equal hair characters are going to be together, but normally that doesn’t happ... Tuuh

    Actually I liked how this manga ended. Yuzu legitimately had feelings for both of them and during the story progression you (the reader) can tell this. It was rare to read a love triangle manga were both rivals are both nice and it's not plainly made aware for the readers until later on who will end up with whom.

    As for Kou, I think from the beginning I liked and was cheering for him, he always gave the impression of a guy interested in Yuzu, you can tell from his fist and second interactions with Yuzu, it showed that they both respected and had a close atmosphere about them. That is why when Shin saw this he got jealous and realised that he liked Yuzu.
    Notice that Kou was for a long time in love with Yuzu and that's why he stole his first kiss. Kou has a quiet personality and is more of an actions speak louder than words kind of person. He was not pulling some negligent ploy on the uke, Kou got jealous of the uke paying attention to Shin and kind of pushing him off to the side, so he took time to express his feelings to Yuzu with his pictures rather than force his feeling on him.

    Shin from the beginning always reminded me of having a best friend not really boyfriend type of relationship with Yuzu.

    Anyway that's my opinion and I respect that you would have liked the other guy to win the uke but it was not fair to have a misconception about the guy who did win.

    Tuuh April 28, 2016 8:03 pm

    I respect your opinion but in reality I’m not talking about “Team Shin” or “Team Kou” I’m talking about creating a plot, creating a personality because this all is really just a creation.
    I’m a person that work with books, I’m a part of the editing group, so a lot of people write books, and can’t sell those books because they did something wrong, and we help them fix this. Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn’t.

    That experience made me start analyzing the book/ manga in a different way, because you see more than just a story, you see character building, personality, speech, plot, backup plot (something like non-essential information that help build the plot, but is not really important for the development of the story itself).

    When I read this manga I don’t see the development of the characters, I saw clichés that built a story, the characters for me, doesn’t have enough personality for me to cheer for none of them, in the beginning the impression was that the uke was going to be with the two of them, them later with Shin and after he end up with Kou. The characters don’t have a foundation. You know?

    But in my field of work, we have a saying: “Opinion it’s like an ass, everyone has his own” So I’m not criticizing yours and nor am I saying bad thing about a character because I like the other more, I’m saying that in my opinion in this manga in this story are missing a better foundation of characters, the mangaka created empty personalities and yes in my opinion there is a lot of clichés to be able to reach the “happy ending” in the end.

    And just to clarify in no way I’m saying that I am better or that I am right and you are wrong because of my work, I’m just explaining what my experience tells me. The majority of books and mangas use a clichés to tell a story, what we analyze is how well the writer was able to hide that from the readers. The illusion, the fantasy the feeling is everything when writing/reading a book/manga/stories/etc.

    Vampire Queen April 29, 2016 5:58 am
    I respect your opinion but in reality I’m not talking about “Team Shin” or “Team Kou” I’m talking about creating a plot, creating a personality because this all is really just a creation.I’m a per... Tuuh

    Oh wow you're part of an editing team. Then you have my thanks for all your hard work. It was nice to see that you did not get offended or overemotional and start fighting with me because our opinions differ. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Tuuh April 29, 2016 5:31 pm
    Oh wow you're part of an editing team. Then you have my thanks for all your hard work. It was nice to see that you did not get offended or overemotional and start fighting with me because our opinions differ. ... Vampire Queen

    No, that’s an ugly thing, I love that the world it’s filled with divergent opinions and a vast variety of things, persons and feelings. If everyone just liked of yellow where that would leave the blue...Right?

    The only thing that make me sad it’s to see a person who forces their opinions over others, I’m glad that this manga was a good reading for you, even if it wasn’t for me.

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