Whinnie's experience ( All 1 )

about question
i guess i wanted to see who else also followed along on the journey haha i ended up crying at the end, didn’t expect it to hit that hard memento mori unus annus   2 reply
14 11,2020

Whinnie's answer ( All 77 )

I recently got into the same reading mood as you! I love any and all books that make me cry, but recently I’ve been leaning into more contemporary ones. I started in another order though, so I’m actually reading a little life rn. Here are a few books I recommend, their official blurb, and why I loved them: » Our Wives Under the Sea by Jul......   2 reply
23 02,2024
bold of you to assume i wouldn’t end it all before i ever found out   reply
24 07,2021
best know I have some amazing villain monologues   reply
24 07,2021
Oh, a personal story, I was going to middle school when this happened. I was home cause I had caught a cold and I was being a citizen and not going to school not to spread them nasty germs. So I go downstairs to find a note on the stairs from my dad basically saying that he had to drop by the grocery store to grab something and he’d be back in ab......   reply
24 07,2021
about question
I think this has a lot to do with how fast Mangago has grown as a community after social media apps got involved. It’s posted a lot on these apps and websites, causing attention to be directed at it (It was a trend on tiktok to not censor the link or announce that they read on mangago). Every few months you’ll find a new set of users that are p......   1 reply
24 07,2021

Whinnie's question ( All 9 )

just random about mangago haha if you were to report a question or post, would it put a strike on the person’s account or something? it wouldn’t actually affect the person’s account, yeah? and, how long does it take for something to be taken down once reported lolol i haven’t done anything and i don’t plan to, but i’m curious because of all the drama lately
12 06,2021
about question
so basically, with all the plastic we dump in water and everywhere else, the average person eats about a lego brick of plastic every week. so, this obviously has a toll on the human body, and one thing this affects is sperm count. now, how badly? oh, nothing serious, just that it’s estimated that the sperm count in men will drop to 0 in the year 2045. i would think we would have more than a couple more decades before we all completely died off :) i wish the best to (almost) all of you <3
04 06,2021
22 01,2021
why am i heated? idk, i came to read today.


please just STOP replying to the troll posts. i’m sick of people getting angry and only making it worse. stop throwing fuel into the dumpster fire. just, idc if you wanna say your opinion and maybe get likes, it’s not worth it
22 01,2021
my best friend went through some terrible shit recently, but she never told me. so, the night it happened, i was upset over nothing like always, so i complained about a headache with her. probably because of the problems she had, she told me that i complain too much and i should stop because she can’t do anything about it. for whatever reason, i was upset like hell. my mom did the same thing and i ended up crying, but anyway. then similar things happened until a day later she refused to talk to me. when i asked her what i did do i could apologize, she started repeating a bunch of things and things i did that bothered her but she never told me about. i ended up crying real bad because i felt betrayed because of my low self-confidence. something like this happened in the past with another friend and now i ask if i’m bothering someone a lot. she’d always respond with no and reassure me, but that day i realized she just internalized everything that i did that bothered her. i wish she told me so i could’ve stopped sooner, my mother even did that for me. in the end i told her i was sorry with a giant paragraph about why i was sorry ans what i was sorry for, and she ended up listing more things about me. in the end i announced to all my friends that i was taking a break, but i didn’t tell them it was because every hour she said more and more. it hurt a lot. anyway, just wanted to say this, sorry if it bothers anyone!! no need to answer, i wasn’t looking for one to begin with. thanks if you read this, but you spent time you can never get back lol. now, sorry for using your phone area as a rant booth! toodles :)
07 01,2021
about writing
what’s something that you always wanted to read in a story or just something that makes you like a piece of fiction right away?

scene, dialogue, etc whatever you want
04 01,2021

People are doing

did finally came out the closet

I’ve always been pretty open about.In middle school I got made fun of a lot by some classmates, they called me a f@got all the time :/

12 minutes
did unable to trust anyone

i can't trust anyone not even my own parents or friends cuz of my trust issues

7 hours
did finally came out the closet

i'm quite open about it, but i used to get bullied for my sexuality so i only really tell people i'm close to about it now a days

7 hours