I, as a bilingual person, can vouch for many others that YOU DO NOT JUST FORGET YOU ARE TALKING ANOTHER LANGUAGE. Ahem, my friends are all bilingual/trilingual, and they can agree. It never happens and it makes me so angry. Sure, if he forgot a word in one language but remembers it in the other language, that happens. BUT FORGETTING A WHOLE LANGUAGE...
listen, i get it, it’s fiction and i shouldn’t be getting this angry, but it was a bit odd. like, it was cute and all, but ummmmmmmmm very unrealistic. though so is that tattoo because what tattoo artist would:
a). say yes (maybe he said he’d have the mafia on them if they didn’t... poor guy)
b). allow him to have it into the fold of his ass
and what mafia boss would:
a). get a tattoo when it isn’t even intimidating or meaningful
b). let someone tattoo all the way into every crack...
c). get a tattoo doesn’t represent or portray their group or character
anyway, dumb rant
this lacked a serious plot and it was too much for me when it came to the rape. especially when afterwards the character was sexualized again. that upset me. idk why that was just glossed over. i’ve read stories with sexual harassment just for the angst (ks and potn for example), but for whatever reason i felt suck after seeing this. this fooled me. i really thought there was going to be a plot, but what was i thinking...
If the story makes me extremely angry, extremely sad, or extremely happy. You see, this story has succeeded. I hate his guts so fucking much, but would I have liked the story this much if it wasn’t for how much of an asshole he is? No, I wouldn’t. He made me feel an extreme emotion, so no matter how much of a scum he is, I prefer him not suddenly turning good, but a slow change. I like angst too much:,)
Yes, you are hot, and you haven’t been very rude, but can you stfu and put two and two together?? Stop saying,”Your mistake”, bitch you get raped and I’ll pester you about YOUR mistake. If he is running away from a guy and is pregnant, obviously something was WRONG in the relationship. Who runs away if they are content with everything. Marking a partner can be a good thing. In this case he marked him and is using it as revenge for the NUMEROUS times the rape happened. He god damn deserves the punishment, though I don’t think he should’ve done it ar his own expense as well. OBVIOUSLY this child is not a product of HIS mistakes, but a product of RAPE. So sit your ass down and have some respect and decency you fuck. The fact that you’re hot does not let you off the hook for me.
Stop doubting his decisions if you couldn’t care in the slightest. This guy has had it hard, harder than you can imagine. Don’t guilt him for ‘punishing the child for his own mistakes’ or ‘giving birth to a child that he’s going to hate’. Bitch, at least choose one side, don’t punch him on both sides of the door.