The seme is huge, like his body is large, but he is also large elsewhere...
When the second lead syndrome hits, I love Cain
You can feel the jealousy in the last few panels
Lol I thought I had a stroke trying to read this translation also why is the dog just ok being around the wolf??
WTH... cliffhanger. The Side couple is interesting
Akutagawa better not be stuck as a vampire (or the rest f the people)
Nooo Not my bby boy ahhh, if they hurt him in jumping into the 2D
Idk who that Lotus character is but damn they didn’t need to put them in the whole server. As someone who plays mmos that’s kinda fucked up
IDK there might be a hidden motive. But yeah if it was for not reason then thats a little overboard
He had a belly bulge .Guys we are well fed by this content.
Poor doori. Noah better stop being mean to him
The seme is huge, like his body is large, but he is also large elsewhere...