BakuraIsMine's experience ( All 0 )

BakuraIsMine's answer ( All 4 )

Well when I was a lil girl, I had a puppy. My big brother didn't like the puppy so he & his friends tried to kill it. It didn't work, not instantly at least. but I'll spare the details. My reaction then was to cry then cover it with leaves & sticks. My reaction now is I'll never trust my brother & that killing things out of mercy is the kindest thi......   2 reply
18 09,2020
Exposing my crush's racism. Everything went down horribly & he's hated by the higher ranks in the discord we were in. People can be so horrible all around, he was bullied by everyone & his friends who defended him were eventually banned or stayed quiet. I'm a villain for doing this, I feel it deep in my heart. Since he's left the community I just c......   1 reply
13 09,2020
Here he is, pls help me find what manga this is from   1 reply
06 09,2020
I drew a picture of me and Bakura kissing when I was 12 and my dumbass decided to keep it. 3 years later, I guess I left the picture some place where my annoying cousin found it. She showed her friends then she wrote a comment on my literal drawing, laughing at me. like FFS U BITCH WHY!! So in a rage, I crumpled the picture & burned it ┗( T﹏T ......   2 reply
09 08,2020

BakuraIsMine's question ( All 1 )

He's from a manga, but idk from where ╥﹏╥ (I'll put the pic in the comments)
06 09,2020

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat


8 hours
did piercings

earlobe, twice. i dont like it anymore but yea

10 hours
did listen to a song on repeat

ode to the mets. listening to it on repeat isnt enough, i want it up my ass

10 hours