Is Freya crying? I'm not sure but those shiny circles the author draw seems like it. Maybe she gave up on stopping ruby from getting izek attention?(only at this moment bcs it's dangerous, she's not capable of helping izek fight the monster anyway) but i think maybe now freya despise ruby less bcs she found out Ruby relationship with her family,and maybe she realized that Izek will never choose her

Just my speculation because of how the author put the scenes where Freya thinking back about when Izek and Ruby hugging each other. And bcs of those shiny circle thingy ofc

But i still hate freya haha,please keep on being evil so i don't feel guilty hating on you

Mingg created a topic of Actually, I was the Real One

I dropped this before bcs i thought Sir Joseph is the mlrooting for my man Erez

Mingg answered question about question
Used to do lot of picrew in 2020

Honestly i prefer bora with geon. Then Jay just need to find someone better. I KNOW Y'ALL DON'T AGREE BUT I LOVE GEON DON'T HATE MY MAN

Mingg asked a question

I'm too lazy to check my reading list so please help me find this manhwa HAHA So the fl is a criminal(not sure bout that) like she always disguise herself and really good at it. I think her hair is blonde or pink idk. And the ml is black haired and have a twin brother who's dead. I think at the most recent chp that i read,the twin bro's wife/gf came back pregnant. And the fl thought that it was the ml child.

Even after 20 chapters they're still at the same phase,each chp look like their relationship improved but then go down againAt this point why don't they just stay friends and move onin my opinion Bora is not ready to be in relationship

Honestly i think it's possible that bora end up with pink hair. It's about time when we let the second ml win

I can't believe it ended,i mean i predicted that it would end in 5-10 more chapters,didn't know it will this early. Honestly I want more of xinian and qucheng story. I'll miss them

Mingg created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Mingg created a topic of Full volume



QuCheng and DouDing so cute He's complaining but still take care of him hahaI love the extra chapter of when they're still small

They're so cute Too bad this manhwa only have few chapters.I NEED MORE,WE NEED MORE

Mingg answered question about join manga or manhwa group
But i love tiddies
Mingg asked a question

What's the name of this manhwa? The fl travel back in time. If I'm not wrong she have this power,where she sing a song and it will heal people. The fl also wear a rabbit mask and pink haired.

Mingg asked a question

Does anyone know a manhwa where this guy keep on going back in time everytime he die? i remember that at first he got in a fight with a guy who have fire power smth like that. And also a red haired guy suddenly appeared in his life and helped him. If I'm not wrong the mc can take someone power if he killed them and the power appears in cards.

Mingg answered question about compulsive lying
Pearl boy. I feel like there's too many drama going on. Dropped it around chp 20 cause it get kinda boring. It's just not my style,when they involve violent. I do read few of the recent chapter despite not understanding the plot and it got a lot better but I don't think I will start reading it again.

I honestly like how long this manhua is bcs i love them a lot. Even if the kids story now kind of confusing i still read it. So i really don't want this to end. LIKE I'VE BEEN READING THIS FOR 3 YEARS, THIS MANHUA HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEARTAm i the only one?????