Robin January 13, 2025 9:22 am


Robin September 23, 2024 4:27 am

Leo was oblivious to anything that was happening. He was wrong for going around touching other men while having a boyfriend BUT he never forced jj to give him a bj he never (intentionally) treated jj like trash but jj on the other hand… he forcefully put himself inside of Leo which could’ve caused a hemorrhoid. He forced Leo to give him a blowjob. He was definitely hurt by Leo’s actions and I completely understand that but he isn’t going about it the right way at all. I sympathize with him but he is fucking weird… he never told Leo (not that we know of) any of his feelings. how is a relationship suppose progress without communication. jj said fuck all he chose to keep his mouth shut. why punish Leo for something he was unaware of. Imagine being such an idiot you put all of the blame on Leo or even on jj . life is not full of black and white because they’re is always gray mostly gray. Anyway fuck that bitch named jj I understand your feelings but rn you are acting like a bitch

Robin September 15, 2024 6:53 am

My life is finally complete, I can die peacefully now.

Robin June 2, 2024 5:42 pm

I read this whole thing waiting for my baby to transition like my darling you’re a girl, you have a women’s mentality you feel like a women ands so you are a women I feel like these BL artist don’t realize they be drawing the most

Robin April 11, 2024 3:28 am

I have like 123422557 acquaintances that I say hi too and usually when someone asks me who that person is I’ll be like “it’s just someone I know from here or from there” just because he ain’t specifying how he knows that person doesn’t mean he’s eager to hide he probably just doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal… and calling him a man hoe for having a lot of friends is mad

Robin December 23, 2023 11:59 am

I kept screaming EXACTLY DAN OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYESSS “mr.Joo has gone trough so much” SO FUCKING WHAT?! Let him injure his arm even more,let him suffer

Robin December 13, 2023 12:21 pm

Don’t get me wrong she is lovely and it will be a great shame that she dies but… she just told him not to just take without giving back…now he is going to get fucked up even more and she ain’t helping it better to just pull that Damnnn plug now

    seojihan December 13, 2023 12:26 pm

    Damn man y u gotta take it out on the grandma. She doesn’t even know what happens to Dan. If she ever know what happen she will probably have a heart attack

    Robin December 13, 2023 7:53 pm
    Damn man y u gotta take it out on the grandma. She doesn’t even know what happens to Dan. If she ever know what happen she will probably have a heart attack seojihan

    I know but if she dies then he would have little to no reason to keep being the horses paramour… but now that think about it,if she does die then he would end up clinging to horsey as a way to cope

Robin November 13, 2023 7:47 am

Like I get it “if you don’t like the toxicity then leave”I can’t I want to see what happens I want jaek to suffer but having Dan confess first?? Dan you need to stand up, grow a spine you are pissing me off and pissing in general and jaek there is a special place in hell for you

    beers November 13, 2023 7:55 am


    scandalmomo November 13, 2023 7:57 am

    I'm only here to see Potato and Heesung T_T
    I hope they won't be like MD and Chanwoo in BJ Alex that they will appear only in like 5 chapters

    Robin November 13, 2023 8:14 am
    I'm only here to see Potato and Heesung T_TI hope they won't be like MD and Chanwoo in BJ Alex that they will appear only in like 5 chapters scandalmomo

    Real I need them to be healthy and good and no type of force to happen with them I need pure fluff or else the granny gets it

    Robin November 13, 2023 8:15 am

Robin September 24, 2023 5:10 am

Since you want to block me read this since I can’t reply “ I’m not a dictator you imbecile I simply said there is no point, again I told the person to block you since they would be no end to it and you would continue to speak your truth and they would continue to speak there’s if you want to be an ass about it go ahead but while your at it go ahead and sign yourself up for some special meetings

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 5:15 am

    Leads to suicide too.

    You are only showing you are the ass and imbecile here. So you sign up for those special meetings. I don’t need them. Sign up for how to be a better person too. I can spam my other topic. I ask you to remove this. You started this.

    Haters/ trolls/ cyber bullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are haters loses my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language.

    Robin September 24, 2023 5:22 am

    Boo fucking hoo “it leads to suicide” it does and cyber bullying is wrong but where was a bullying you I didn’t hurt you mentally or physically nor did I tell you to hurt yourself telling someone to block someone is bullying?? Bffr? In which sense is that bullying. “Wowzers copying sm now” wow so only one person can say that be so fucking fr you you literally sign yourself up for other people to argue and behave rudely with you as soon as you came back just to talk. You don’t know these people and they don’t know you,you don’t know how people are going to react and have the guts to act shocked and appalled when they say something that hits you in a certain way

    before dawn September 24, 2023 5:28 am
    Boo fucking hoo “it leads to suicide” it does and cyber bullying is wrong but where was a bullying you I didn’t hurt you mentally or physically nor did I tell you to hurt yourself telling someone to block... Robin

    Dawg nobody cares

    Robin September 24, 2023 5:37 am
    Dawg nobody cares before dawn

    Bro…it wasn’t directed to you

    Robin September 24, 2023 5:41 am

    It wasn’t to attack you tho? It was to have a conversation you argue then block what’s the point of blocking if our conversation hasn’t reached it’s conclusion yet. Why are you replying to something when you know I can’t respond there

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 5:59 am
    Dawg nobody cares before dawn


    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 6:01 am
    Boo fucking hoo “it leads to suicide” it does and cyber bullying is wrong but where was a bullying you I didn’t hurt you mentally or physically nor did I tell you to hurt yourself telling someone to block... Robin

    “ you literally sign yourself up for other people to argue and behave rudely with you as soon as you came back just to talk. ”

    No one does.

    That is you wanting to do that. The rest was nonsense.

    Mirin September 24, 2023 6:10 am
    Dawg nobody cares before dawn

    I care.
    Robin expressing their feelings and opinions. Nothing wrong with it. Why don't you leave them finish it within themselves?

    Robin got blocked so they cant contact the other party in anyway. So here he made a post. Being a brave person by making discussion. The party concerned has attend. People who has no business just f out

    Robin September 24, 2023 6:10 am

    But it is you already know how people behave on the site how rude they can be and you still come back you should know that it would’ve happen if you’ve been there before so why come back and talk again if it had nothing to do with you

    Robin September 24, 2023 6:14 am
    I care.Robin expressing their feelings and opinions. Nothing wrong with it. Why don't you leave them finish it within themselves?Robin got blocked so they cant contact the other party in anyway. So here he made... Mirin

    Thank you

    Mirin September 24, 2023 6:52 am
    Thank you Robin

    Stand with your believe, don't get swayed. I see you as the bigger person for stand for yourself by confronting this, even when your freedom of speech got limited.

    Robin September 24, 2023 6:53 am
    Stand with your believe, don't get swayed. I see you as the bigger person for stand for yourself by confronting this, even when your freedom of speech got limited. Mirin

    Thank you.. but the person I’m having a conversation with sees it as harassment and attacks

    Kokki September 24, 2023 6:55 am
    Stand with your believe, don't get swayed. I see you as the bigger person for stand for yourself by confronting this, even when your freedom of speech got limited. Mirin

    the comments here are giving me life

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:01 am
    the comments here are giving me life Kokki

    My brain cells are deteriorating because of this person honestly…

    Mirin September 24, 2023 7:01 am
    Thank you.. but the person I’m having a conversation with sees it as harassment and attacks Robin

    I can't give my opinion regarding the other party as I won't make intervention. But, I believe it is your right to stand for your own believes and you have freedom of speech. So stand your ground. If the involved party didn't make proper response and disconnected with your point, then take it as positive reason; that you making this decision and execute the action was indeed what to be done.

    Mirin September 24, 2023 7:08 am
    the comments here are giving me life Kokki

    I wish nothing for none of us got restrained just because expressing our feelings and opinions. Then got called as hater simply because of that. This comment section is for everyone. Seeing Robin got limited just so unjustice.

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 7:15 am

    Robin was NOT expressing their feelings and opinions.

    Robin started this by saying block or ignore some people. That was fucking ridiculous. I blocked that op when they become a rapist. Disgusting!! They kept responding and not taking the hint.
    Here Robin calls me an imbecile. You are lying about us “there would be no end to it” BULLSHIT. You kept this going. Then you called me an ass. You know the truth.

    Then you told me to go to special meetings. THIS IS ATTACKING!!! You are not sharing feelings or opinions.

    Boo fucking hoo? You bullying me. I don’t argue. Stop lying. Can’t you comprehend that? Robin you had two other threads. You never had to make a topic to embarrass yourself. There is no discussion here if you are telling me I need special meetings and all that. You don’t know how to talk to people.

    We blocked haters. If you want to be unblocked stop being a hater. Robin can’t be the bigger person here by lying. “Freedom of speech got limited” that isn’t how freedom of speech works. I don’t have to listen to haters whiny they got blocked for their bad behavior.

    It is harassment and attacks. You were trying to deter me off this page. You were disrespectful and dismissive to my friends and me. You came we see everything disgusting but rape. That is hideous!!! Vile. What a joke. You don’t know is if you are saying that bullshit. You were an ass to Mi Amore. You were an ass to Tora. You were an ass to TMSM. You are an ass to me.
    I am a rape survivor. I find rape disgusting. I blocked you for spreading misinformation and defaming our characters. Stop whining about it. You did character assassination. Boo fucking hoo. You manipulative bully loser.

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:17 am
    I can't give my opinion regarding the other party as I won't make intervention. But, I believe it is your right to stand for your own believes and you have freedom of speech. So stand your ground. If the involv... Mirin

    You sound genuine and I like that I hope to see you in comments other than this one just to have another nice conversation with you

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:23 am

    The other person got blocked for being a rapist?? Who the fucked raped someone? Go ahead and keep on bringing up tmsm like I didn’t say we cleared our shit up it had and end to our conversation and argument tmsm doesn’t need you defending them when there was no problem to begin with. I was expressing my feelings as I told the other commenter to block you in genuine and honest opinion since it would be endless I also asked you genuinely why you kept coming back to this comment section if you stopped reading in august I said there was no point in you coming back here if you dropped the story I said if you dropped the story you also dropped the argument and if you kept coming back it was just to argue and cause arguments. You keep bringing up the fact that you got raped I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to talk about it but that gets you up to fucking nowhere it has nothing to do with this topic and it never did

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:25 am

    Me saying block and ignore someone Is disgusting? How I’m sure I asked you to explain and you haven’t yet cause nowhere shape or form is that in anyway disgusting

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 7:33 am
    The other person got blocked for being a rapist?? Who the fucked raped someone? Go ahead and keep on bringing up tmsm like I didn’t say we cleared our shit up it had and end to our conversation and argument t... Robin

    You didn’t read my topic?? It would not be endlessly. God you’re clueless and can only lie. It is only with people like you. That it is endless.
    If you are using arguments and arguing you are not learning.

    I am a reason. I explained it. I am not causing arguments. You filthy liar. I am not here to just argue. You are impossible!! God! It does get me some where saying I am a rape survivor but when I do say and I said something I get hideous attacked. You are so clueless. Stop trying to deter me and make me wrong asshole.

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 7:38 am

    When I don’t say I am rape survivor.


    September 22, 2023 5:36 am
    Rape is your pov. It is sa abuse. He is acting norma beside sex toy in the car but you are wanting romantic sex.
    They are not dating.
    They are in a contract relationship.
    Do you really think that would change anything as this current situation? It will not.

    Buggaboo ...
    Ur a fckn weirdo rape apologist. Your dumbass is trying to say that coercive, violent, intercourse where someone has revoked consent or not even given it isn't rape. Words don't mean different things just 'cause you want to excuse someones behavior. I don't know why you are so opposed to calling a rapist a rapist. Maybe because social context makes rapists seem more evil to you than "sa abuser" does but it doesn't change the fact that it IS rape. Sa abuse? Rape falls under sexual assault. I'd get next to that fact or defect from society babes.

    You are the fucking loser! You are misusing rape apologist too! You’re a dumb ass attacking a rape survivor over your dumbass pov.
    I said it was SA (sexual assault abuse). I excused NOTHING. Take some reading comprehension classes and how to be a better person! JK is a sexual abuser. Jk isn’t a rapist. Try reading the actual story!
    There is no rape in jinx. Rape is your pov. It does not give you the right to be a fucking loser to attack me with insults and forcing your pov on me. Learn how to communicate loser. Rape falls under Sexual Assault but not all sexual assault is rape. Educate your dumb fucking ass. You fucking werido attacking people on a pov!! Immature baby. Go cry about it. Attempted rape isn’t rape but SA. In chapter 1 Dan is a SA survivor!! He is not a Rape survivor. Jk saved him from being raped! He was never raped by JK. Learn how to comprehend, deadass.

    BelovedRose September 22, 2023 7:28 am
    Haters/ trolls/ cyber bullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are haters loses my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language.

    I am not hostile. But since you lost your mind. I acted that way to mocked cyber bullying, like you. You can go fuck yourself

    - a rape survivor.

    Look up rape apologist.

    BelovedRose September 24, 2023 7:43 am

    I will continue to be here. I will defend myself and my friends. I will call our haters and lies.
    There is no arguments or arguing!
    I have a reason to be here. I have a right to say I am rape survivor. You can’t deter me or guilt trip me or whatever the fuck you are doing with trying to stop me by saying it. You are disgusting!!
    I blocked you.

    I am not like TMSM or Tora!!! leave me the fuck alone you stupid manipulative coward who can’t handle a rape survivor defending herself and her friends from haters like you. You are not the hero. Mirin is not hero. You are evil monsters attacking real people.

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:48 am

    What does that have to do with me I never called you a rape apologist this is an entirely different conversation you had with someone else

    Robin September 24, 2023 7:55 am

    I was not being a hero nor was I trying to be one leave mirin out of this since they have nothing to do with it. Evil monster? What are you living in a fairy tale? Real people? Omg your such an npc I never compared you to tmsm atleast tmsm can understand and and comprehend when they are in the wrogg by and apologize and they don’t up and block someone they where already in a conversation with just because they had no argument. You are repetitive and not and intellectual individual “I’m a rape survivor defending herself” you wouldn’t have to if you would just stop coming back to this comment section after dropping the book A MONTH AGO you are not defending tora or tmsm. The other topic was not directed at tora or tmsm so you went out of your way to start something and put it under the guise of defending them

    before dawn September 24, 2023 7:59 am
    I care.Robin expressing their feelings and opinions. Nothing wrong with it. Why don't you leave them finish it within themselves?Robin got blocked so they cant contact the other party in anyway. So here he made... Mirin

    Cause nobody cares

    before dawn September 24, 2023 8:01 am
    Bro…it wasn’t directed to you Robin

    Cause nobody cares dawg move on

    before dawn September 24, 2023 8:04 am
    I care.Robin expressing their feelings and opinions. Nothing wrong with it. Why don't you leave them finish it within themselves?Robin got blocked so they cant contact the other party in anyway. So here he made... Mirin

    Well that’s you if you care not me but trust me y’all look hella stupid cause again nobody cares

    before dawn September 24, 2023 8:05 am
    Bro…it wasn’t directed to you Robin

    Doesn’t matter

    Robin September 24, 2023 8:08 am
    Doesn’t matter before dawn

    So why do you keep replying it wasn’t for you it’s not for you to care or share your opinions let me do what I want I never asked for you to care so move along

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:17 am
    Well that’s you if you care not me but trust me y’all look hella stupid cause again nobody cares before dawn

    Keep saying "Nobody cares" but here I AM and I believe previous comments also care. Your 'nobody' so blind. Up to you call me stupid, however you just proven you are unintelligent, ehem, an idiot (︶︿︶)=凸
    Can't even differentiate between "Nobody" and "Just Me"

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:18 am
    So why do you keep replying it wasn’t for you it’s not for you to care or share your opinions let me do what I want I never asked for you to care so move along Robin

    They just trolling you. Lack of attention I guess

    Robin September 24, 2023 8:24 am
    They just trolling you. Lack of attention I guess Mirin

    I guess so…well anyway I’m going to sleep since they want to troll and act stupid I hope you have a good night mirin and to belovedrose I hope you dream of sunshine and rainbows and maybe one day get the stick out of your ass

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:24 am
    So why do you keep replying it wasn’t for you it’s not for you to care or share your opinions let me do what I want I never asked for you to care so move along Robin

    Since I'm being mentioned, here I am making this. So don't cry to your friends being bullied here. I respect Robin's thread as it is their way of communicating since you cowardly limited their access to yours but shamelessly keep using direct reply from them. You have the benefit of Robin not being a coward blocking them like you. Truly honestly, your reply not all connect to Robin's discussion. You take it all as insult. You just want to be angry. Now calm down a moment, won't you?

    I don't play hero nor I think myself a hero. You find this insulting, honey you are so delusional and people just want to attack you. Remember advices that you write so much that Xie just give you recognation as professional yapper? You need that. Because I believe you r in so much anger like that advice was there for.

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:26 am

    Sorry Robin, I made it as your reply. It actually for BR. My phone must be error

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:27 am
    I guess so…well anyway I’m going to sleep since they want to troll and act stupid I hope you have a good night mirin and to belovedrose I hope you dream of sunshine and rainbows and maybe one day get the st... Robin

    Good night dear

    Mirin September 24, 2023 8:28 am

    Since I'm being mentioned, here I am making this. So don't cry to your friends being bullied here. I respect Robin's thread as it is their way of communicating since you cowardly limited their access to yours but shamelessly keep using direct reply from them. You have the benefit of Robin not being a coward blocking them like you. Truly honestly, your reply not all connect to Robin's discussion. You take it all as insult. You just want to be angry. Now calm down a moment, won't you?

    I don't play hero nor I think myself a hero. You find this insulting, honey you are so delusional and people just want to attack you. Remember advices that you write so much that Xie just give you recognation as professional yapper? You need that. Because I believe you r in so much anger like that advice was there for.

    Robin September 24, 2023 8:30 am
    Sorry Robin, I made it as your reply. It actually for BR. My phone must be error Mirin

    It’s alright you were speaking so much fax that I needed to read it to

Robin September 23, 2023 3:36 am

It looks like he’s holding dan’s arms behind his back so bro couldn’t push himself if even if he wanted to and that music looks like it’s playing so loud

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