Got confessed to through text with an amazingly written and beautiful message, however that relationship only lasted a month cause they had to move to a city over 100km away. My first confession, the person walked away from me after I said I liked them. Broke my heart, I liked the person for almost a year. I’m still salty about it, what’s worse......
Me personally…i havent due to having almost like 7 crushes. and ion wanna be heartbroken if they say “oh im not into u” or “im not gay” i’ll frl cry for weeks, maybe years. but whoever ask me out first trust will be my new man (sorry) . PLUS i have celeb crushes (which isnt bad) but what if im with someone and i say “omg hasan piker ......
Yknow honestly I’ve been so bored and downright sick of the weak smaller than thou uke’s that are super popular so I was worried this would be similar but honestly the uke ain’t even bad, pretty looking since that’s a popular trope but so far uke isn’t the same kind of weak crybaby with no personality that most ukes seem to be
Ominous much
Lololol Chu Tian is so funny, he be fr tho sucking
What’s even more annoying is Americans not understanding how their politics directly/indirectly affect the rest of the world. They are so seriously self centred, it’s becoming more obvious as to why Trump has won.
Aw he worries about Saitama